Saturday, June 12, 2010


Not from drugs or anything but I miss my friends. I moved to Scottsdale in January and I haven't seen many of them since then. I am however glad that I can say that I have a few people here that I have befriended.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Everytime I Close My Eyes...I See Myself...

My blogs may not always be entertaining or fun. But what can I say I am a writer stuck in a crazy body with a brain that never functions completely all the time so I always forget about the things that I say I am going to do.

For know when you go to get something and get distracted and wind up doing something else and you forget what you were going to do in the first place? That is me all the time. I was thinking tonight I want to blog because I have the chance to do it finally and not have any distractions. But then I really couldn't think of what to write...should I write about Lola, should I write about the crazy events that just occured in my life a few days ago or should I just ramble on a little bit about the simple little fact that I cannot for the life of me figure out what the heck to write about?

Lots has happened really in the last few weeks. So instead I am going to write about the fact that I am sooo glad that people show their true colors when they are put into difficult situations. I get that people are offended by some of the off-color remarks that come flying out of my mouth or my fingers sometimes but honestly, I don't really care what they think. I am an honest enough person that when I think someone needs to be put in their place I am going to put them in their tiny place.

I have also come to realize that some people that think they are part of my life feel the need to weigh in on the way that I decide that I will run my life. My dad always said that if I wanted an opinion from you I would ask for it or give it to you. I deleted the off-color remarks from my facebook. Which the keyword in that sentence is MY. I deleted them because I don't want to offend. But at the same time I keep thinking no. You can take your nasty little remarks about being DISGUSTED and whatever and honestly stick it. I am not saying this because I want to make someone mad. I am saying it because I am a person and have every right to say whatever I want about someone at anytime that I feel. This goes for you as well. But please do not think that if you are going to say that you are disgusted and appauled by what I have said that I am going to change what I have said. I said it and I am done. If you don't like it then don't read it.

Just to add before ending this crazy rant that I have going now that I read some of it and deleted and re-wrote and deleted again. If you don't understand by now that I have a huge amount of acquantences in my life and only a select few people are actually my friends then you need to get familiar with that. Take a good look in the mirror for a second and ask yourself this...when was the last time that you spoke to me. If it was more than two months ago you can bet that you are no longer on the friend list you are on the acquantance list. Don't be offended by that one is just who I am.

Everytime I close my eyes...I see myself...if you don't see me as you want me to be then change yourself...cause I am not changing.

The end.