Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My Family

My family is one of a kind. But I can say that my family is one of the most selfless families I have ever met. We would do anything to make sure that someone that we care about is well.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

AZ's new law...and what I think of it.

Every time I watch the news I look for this particular law to come into the headline SB1070!!!

Now, the reason I get excited about this law is very simple really. I am not saying that I am like woohoo!!! I mean I get excited like I want to do something about it. I want to smack around the people who are completely against it because if you think about the amount of other laws that were put into place in the last few years this whole law just adds to the enforcement.

For example and honestly let's be very clear here. I have no problem whatsoever about people coming over here legally and immigrating here because after all my mother and all of my Aunt's that you see on my friends on facebook if you happen to be my friend on facebook. Guess what they had to do??? They had to wait in line like everyone else and get a U.S. Citizenship. My Auntie Venus has a tri-citizenship, she has one from the Philippines, one from Switzerland and one from the United States. So, if she can do that then it isn't hard for someone to get any of that done the correct way.

So back to my example, there are people that have been in this country for 10 - 20 years. On December 23, 2009 the President proposed a bill for Amnesty for illegal immigrants...this being said the count on illegals at the time was between 12-20 million people in the United States. Why didn't they just go and get the amnesty??? Because honestly this was their free pass.

The first time I got really fired up about this was when I was watching the news a few months ago with Seabiscuit and they featured this little girl on a podium talking about illegal immigrants and why they should be able to stay. They talked about how this little girl was able to speak perfect English and how she was the top student in her school. Guess what....she was here illegally. So let me ask you this. Why didn't she tell her parents to go claim amnesty? If she is soo smart then she knows that she and her family are breaking the law just by getting up and going to school each and every day. And furthermore why didn't I.C.E. take advantage of any of these riots and go to town and start deporting like hell?

Now that you have more background on this subject at hand let me just say this...after watching the news again and watching the protests that are going on in downtown Phoenix as the state of Arizona is scrutinized for trying their hardest to quit spending our hard earned tax dollars on these stupid people why isn't the Border Patrol and I.C.E. agents there taking care of the problem that they are hired to take care of????

IT'S THE SETTING FOR THE PERFECT RAID! Take advantage of it and shut those illegals up. Because as far as I am concerned if you are not a legal citizen of the United States then you have no valid opinion for what goes on here.

The end.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Hypocrisy at it's finest...

I am pretty sure that my family is amazing at being hypocritical. I mean honestly. I am not saying my immediate family here I mean, don't get me wrong we have all been guilty of being a hypocrite. But honestly when it goes this far is just beyond words.

My Aunt is still upset about something that I actually came to her for help and she did nothing. Honestly, this little thing was a huge deal for me and extremely hard for me to do but unfortunately so a choice had to be made and I made one. Just like the choice that I made to drive to California and back all in one day, which by the way was a Sunday. Just to pick up a dog that had been adopted along with several other dogs that were adopted by someone who was animal crazy and didn't have enough mental capacity at the time to take care of them. So naturally, we as a FAMILY got together and split the dogs up and when it came time when I could no longer take care of this dog because she had a problem with peeing in the house and nothing was medically wrong with her. The real reason is that the person I got her from would give her a treat each time she would pee outside so she was rebelling. This dog got away with murder I tell you. But at the same time, I was in love with her.

I hurt everyday thinking about how I let her down. I cried my eyes out when I brought her to her new home. I cried for days after she was gone and sometimes I still do cry because I miss Pumpkin.

Then this person who had the five dogs to begin with gets out of the hospital and gets more dogs and what does my Aunt say??? Well, when I send a funny picture of Lola I get scolded and told not to send pictures of that dog anymore. But then she just loves the fact that her irresponsible daughter has three new dogs.

I HAVE ONE DOG BECAUSE SHE IS ALL I CAN HANDLE. I LOVE HER. DON'T YOU TELL ME YOU ARE ANGRY AT ME BECAUSE OF THE DOG AND THEN PULL THAT HYPOCRITE CRAP! You will rott for that. I think that the reason our family was fighting for 20 something years is because of you. Now I know better. Because hypocrisy is the root of most fights and man lady you have got it bad.

The end.