Thursday, November 3, 2011

Job. Who Needs One Of Those?

I was taking a look at all of my friends on facebook and I will tell you that there is a trend amongst where some of my friends have lived and definitely where they went to school.

Some of us are just getting settled into our new careers and trying to get to where we are finally going to be comfortable. Which is the category I fall into. It definitely has been a struggle but I am going to be a top ranking executive in a large marketing company. Well, I already am there. :) I just happen to be part of an exciting time of a growing company. I am so glad that they found me.

Some of us are well nested in our careers and have families and houses and wow, a lot going on. Now this includes my friends that are stay at home mom's because we all know that being a stay at home mom is a full time and a half gig. I give kudos to those ladies they work it out all the time.

Some of us are job bouncers. Which isn't a bad thing..I used to be one of those and I am so glad I figured it out because I couldn't imagine not having a job right now. I would be super scared.

Some of us are just starting new "jobs" and hoping that the best thing in the world comes along and sweeps us off our feet. They will continue to dream instead of doing something about it.

Others are starting a career that will take them years and years to build and are working like crazy to get those years behind them. All of my friends that are Chefs...hang in there. It will happen.

A lot of my friends are still in school earning a Masters, PhD or just their first chance at being able to gain their Bachelors. To those who are doing this I say good for you! All that hard work is supposed to pay off and for your sake I hope and pray that it opens doors for you that are beyond your wildest dreams.

But the ones that really get me. I mean the ones who are always asking someone for a job when they have no business asking... you know the ones who are always looking for a hand out. You know the ones who are always couch surfing with no ambition to get up and do something about their life. They are the ones who will always be that way and although we love them to pieces we know the situations they put themselves in will never really change until they want it to.

So my point is...all these people that I mention come from different areas. But in those areas show the same trends. There are a few that are the exception but most hold true.

I wonder if the area and schooling of when we grew up has anything to do with how we carry ourselves as adult. I know my life has been a struggle but it is finally getting on track. Maybe that is because of the way I was brought up as a child? I will never know. All I know is now I want my life to be breezy and I am working hard to make it that way. Because my Grandma Donner would have said, is for the birds. And I think she is right. So I am now working hard to make sure that my struggling days are numbered.

There really was no rhyme or reason to this rant. Just an observation. For most life is good...and really I wish that upon all of my friends. Life needs to be good in order for us to survive it completely. But it doesn't happen over night.

So in closing. I cannot say more than...I love my job and cannot wait to see where it takes me.

The end.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Picture Is Worth....

In this case a thousand or more words. I really do have one of the most well behaved animals I know. She is so awesome that she literally walked around looking like Antionne Dodson last night for Halloween. People were stopping to take pictures of her and take pictures with her. Hilarious! Anyhow, here is a picture of her in full get up.

Now here is a picture of that fool Antionne.

I dunno dude, they look pretty close but you be the judge of that.