Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Guys VS. Girls: What's idyllic?

So this conversation took place a few nights ago with a few friends of mine at our favorite place, Brick House Tavern. And of course it starts with one of the guys telling us about a crazy girl that won't just stop. Even after she asked him the chances of her having a relationship with her and he flat out said NO. Give it up are giving us a bad rep.

So he proceeds to tell us that she is just not what he is looking for in a girl...naturally the other guy sitting at the table makes mention of her not being attractive and we get into a discussion of what we find attractive. So all of the girls at the table agree...being a fireman is definitely number one on the list of being attractive. Something about those blue uniforms and the big suspenders that hold up their yellow/black fire pants gets us a little fired up. I am pretty sure I have said something along the lines of, "Help I'm on fire! Come put me out." To a fireman that I know and he was all for being on his way. Heart him. He does make my heart wanna pound out of my chest at times.

Then we proceed to talk about celebrity hotness and a female at our table shows a picture of Ryan Reynolds with his shirt off. Uh, yes, one please. This sparks up a completely different path in the conversation. One of the guys at the table says, and is very specific in this description. "If a girl comes in, has her shit together, looks like she works out, and has some high lights in her makes me wanna go to the gym and get ripped so I have a chance with that girl." But a female perspective also came to the table.

"Any woman with half a brain knows that she is never going to end up with a dude that looks like Ryan Reynolds. Which is why we drool over average guys that are in fireman uniforms, cop uniforms, military uniforms, cowboy stuff..and even lumber jacks." So this whole conversation that we are having starts to take a turn to what is achievable as far as a partner goes and what is what we all know as 'wet dreams' of the idyllic partner. It even went so far as to describe what girls find sexy in a guy. Oddly enough and this guy flipped on us when we said that we know that firemen don't make a lot of money but we don't care. We want to be with someone like them because money doesn't matter. Don't get that twisted though, if you are a dude that rocks a McDonald's uniform to work, that is not exactly the type of uniform that we find hot. The point is money isn't everything but it is nice to have a little. This particular friend of ours has a lot of money and some nice things but that doesn't always make you attractive and that is what point we were making to him.

So as I am sitting back and joining into the conversation every so often...because when I get into the I wanna take notes so I can blog about this very conversation mode I want to listen and I am like a Butterfly and cannot keep my mind on track of what point I am trying to make. (Hence the awful run-on sentence you just read.) I realized one very perceptive thing that I have a feeling the other two girls at the table failed to guy in particular is actually doing homework. He wants to know what makes average, attractive girls that happen to be his friends tick inside our devious minds. Which brings me to my next point in this random A.D.D. type of conversation that our group of friends have often. You know that you are just not friends with ugly people. You are all friends simply based on the fact that you were attracted to them in some way. If you like their smile or their awesome personality, the point is we as people, do not have ugly friends in our eyes. Which is sweet and kind of funny all at the same time.

Alright, I digressed. Back to the guy that was doing homework. He then proceeds to tell us that for some odd reason if a blonde walks in the room he wants to get with her. However, the majority of his girlfriends that he has had over the years have been brunettes. Then we begin to hear from the other guy at the table and he says that when he looks for a partner in crime he doesn't just go for looks...yes ladies, this actually came out of a guy's mouth. Remember, I don't have ugly friends so he wasn't an ugly dude that just looks for personality because he needs to settle. He doesn't need to settle for any girl that walks into the room. Neither does our little homework doer. Our homework guy then proceeds to explain why he will always hit on a blonde before a brunette... his exact words were this, now keep in mind he is black and laughs at stuff like this and I mean no harm in typing this but he makes sense..."It's like fried chicken...if its there I am gonna want to eat it. If a girl walks in with a watermelon thong on and some sweet tea flavored chapstick, I need that." But this is also the guy who has had the majority of his girlfriends be brunettes.

So this guy doing homework starts to ask more questions about what we as girls find attractive. Now this girl is still a sucker for a guy that will get up and put on a tie in the morning to go to work. Which is why I am kicking myself in the butt for letting that writer from the Washington Post get away. He was perfect, intelligent, dressed in jeans, chucks, a white button up shirt, a black tie, a hoodie and a sport coat on, plus he had that scruffy look. Best part was that he looked the part of a writer with his messenger bag. Yes, I remember everything that he was wearing and it isn't a crazy girl thing it is really because I was completely attracted to him the second I sat next to him. But in all honesty girls like myself are skeptics. He told me he wrote for the Washington Post and I called him a liar. But he also told me that he was 41 then found out he was just about two months older than I am. Later on I went to Google his name and found out he wasn't lying; he was just being wishy-washy because he wanted to protect himself from crazy girls. I even sent him a text to apologize for being a jerk but no answer. Totally sucks but even girls make mistakes. And this girl is wishing she didn't. But that's the story of my life. Maybe I shouldn't be such a skeptic?...haha! Not gonna happen because people lie about EVERYTHING!!! I will always have firemen to look at. Which is also why I say that I want to move to DC with the badness. I mean, it was as if I was in heaven with all of the suits walking around and the firemen hanging out at their firehouses people watching. I was literally walking around with my jaw on the ground while being a touron at the same time.

Now that the term 'crazy' has been introduced to the conversation. The guy that was doing the 'homework' decides that he also wants to talk about the 'right amount' of crazy. He said, "The more attractive you are the more I will put up with craziness." I about died laughing I don't know about any other girls, but I have always wondered why guys put up with the craziest of girls and never leave the crazy! So this all makes sense to me = perfectly acceptable to be crazy. With one super exception to this rule...if she is a cheater then get the eff outta here! Surprisingly so this guy although he talks a big game, is not a 'player.' The rule is if you are hot you can be crazy but you can NEVER be a cheater.

This obviously wasn't the entire conversation because we were there for a few hours. But if you think about it...some guys are smart. They pick the brains of girls that they are friends with because well there is some attraction there and they want to be happy just like the us girls. Not all guys are the shallow type. At least not anyone that I am friends with. That makes me smile to know that my guy friends, as we grow up keep it realistic. It makes girls like myself realize that I do have the chance to find someone who is amazing like my guy friends are becoming. Ultimately they are really looking for girls like the ones they are friends with. More importantly it makes me feel like I know really good guys. And I am glad. Guess that is one of the things that makes me consider myself a lucky girl.

The end.