Sunday, December 12, 2010

So I have decided...

I am going to start blogging again because after all I didn't go through the crazy sign up not to use it. So here is my update to my crazy filled life and then we can start over.

Now rewind a little...

My sister moved her whole family to Arkansas and forgot to pack Auntie up with her. So now I am forced to talk to her on the phone everyday rather than just going to her house on the weekends and really whenever I felt like making the two hour drive to come see her. forward a little...

I got a new amazing job working for Google! Pretty awesome. I love, love, love my new job and I am excited that I actually have the chance to work for such an admired company. Plus I am doing what I have done for years and that is selling...I love to sell! I can't help it. I get an adrenaline rush every time I get a sale and it is never, EVER, boring to say the least. This my friends is an amazing thing for someone who gets bored easily. I mean, I can't even keep a blog up to date. When really all it is, is a virtual diary of my pathetic life that no one really reads but me and well one girl that follows me but I am not even sure if she still reads it.

Fast forward a little more....

My dog Lola, has lost the majority of her hair. I was finally able to take her to the veterinarian and I am waiting on her blood results. Turns out she may actually have a hypo-thyroid. Now that I am learning all of this about my animal I have also learned another thing about myself. When I was younger and the doctor was trying to figure out what was wrong with me and I had to have my blood drawn at least once a month it was really that I had PCOS. That makes everything make complete sense about my health for my entire life. PCOS isn't that old of a discovery actually, it was first discovered about ten years ago so it makes sense on why these doctors had no idea what was wrong with me. But still I ask this...isn't their job to keep asking questions until they find the complete answer? I mean is that not why my insurance pays for them? But oh well, I can't change the fact that they didn't pay attention to the part in medical school when the professor said now not all of the diseases are listed in your text books that we provide for you hear at school. Too bad because I could have been much better a long time ago.

Now rewind a little bit....

I found out that someone in my family has cancer and that was pretty hard to swallow really, more for me because she is so young and still has her whole life ahead of her. But the doctors will do what they can to take care of her...still after the amount of time that I had to wait before someone finally took the time to figure out what to do for me I am just praying that they figure out what to do to help her.

Fast forward... on the couch snoring. Like a person. If you put an old man in place of her body that is who is sleeping on my couch right now.

The End.

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