Tuesday, January 8, 2013

FINALLY! My first blog of 2013!

If you know me personally then chances are you are one of my small group of friends on Facebook. (All 718 or so of them.) So for those of you who do not and happen to stumble across my blog and find it interesting enough to keep up with then here's what my status has consisted of every few weeks for the last few months...

"I really want to blog...I really do but I just can't get this crap to flow out of my finger-tips."

Yes, I really have put that up a few times. And yes, I am aware that it probably got old. But I have great news. I finally have figured out what I am going to write. I am going to write about what an adventure I have had in the last twelve months of my life because it really was a big year of changes and craziness.

So here's in a nutshell what I did....
I went to Arizona twice this year. Which is awesome. I love being able to go home and spend time with some of my favorite people.

I got to visit my little slice of heaven and spend some quality time with my beach family. I miss them terribly. I never knew how much I loved them until I had to leave them one last time this past summer. My heart is definitely bigger know that I had the chance to see them again.

I got to spend another birthday with my dad. Which made me realize how lucky I am to have him no matter how crazy we get with each other.

I got to meet some of the best people on the planet. Amazingly enough they are still some of the best friends that I could have ever asked for. And I said to these particular people before I left that I would not just come up and visit just anyone. Of course, they were awesome enough that we made sure to see each other one last time before I moved to Florida.

Oh yeah, I moved to Florida!!! Ok, ok, I should probably rewind a little bit here.

I took a trip to Florida. Then I decided while I was visiting that I totally wanted to move here. I got to see Downtown Disney for the first time. I went to Miami and spent some time with an old dear friend of mine that I have known for what feels like forever. I got to see my family and realize that I love them so much more than I remember.

I got to add some members to my family which are the most terrific people that I know. I am so lucky to have them and know that we are going to be part of each others lives for a very long time.

I got to see my little brother make me more proud of him than ever. He has grown up to be such an amazing person. I wish that I could be half the person that he is. He is such a great father and now he is a terrific role model for his son. He has over come more than almost anyone that I know will ever have to over come and he has accomplished more in one year than most people will in their entire life. He is my little brother always, no matter how old we get. So proud of him. The best part is we talk every day. Seldom, do we ever miss a phone call or at least a text message.

I got to see my entire family together in the same place for something amazing. Which getting us all in one place at the same time is amazing in itself.

Lola, is spending some much needed quality time with her Grandpa and Grandma and Auntie Britty while I get settled and am ready to show her that she gets to go to the dog park every day that it doesn't rain because the weather in Florida is amazing!!! Plus, soon she may have a little brother or sister to play with. We will have to see what the Boxer Rescue has available when we are ready! :)

I gained some friends and definitely cleaned out a lot of people from my life that I thought were friends but were definitely just really bad influences on my life. It is amazing how much growing up you can do as a person and see that some people that you were really good friends with can still be stuck in high school mode or just grew into people that you no longer wish to associate yourself with. But, my consolation prize for growing up is having these amazing people that I can call friends for the rest of my life and feel good about it.

I met Jeremy....over a chair.
This Chair.

Actually, the day after I got to Florida. I met the one guy that everyone likes...including me. :) He is so awesome. I love him. I love his family. He is perfect! The best part is that he LOVES FOOTBALL! Bonus. Seriously hard to find guys that like to watch football anymore. He is my sunshine. Seriously. I didn't even want to date when I moved to Florida. But I guess everything happens for a reason. Even my parents bought him a Christmas gift. My family loves him...they haven't even met him. Well, some haven't. But the ones who have met him really like him. That is one of the most important things to me...that my family likes him as much as I do. Plus, his friends are pretty awesome too. Which I thank goodness that he is just a nice guy all around.

AND!!! I haven't had a cigarette since November 7th. I switched to an e-cig that seems to be a big hit with everyone that sees me smoking it and actually I am looking forward to finally being able to put that down too one day.

Big things are happening this year! I can't wait to see what this year brings!

So far we have a trip planned to New Jersey to see Jeremy's family and we are going to spend some time in New York City. We are going to get down to South Florida and partake in some fun for a few days. And going to get my Lola-butt and bring her to her new home.

Life is good. Finally.

Oh! And Britney got a hair cut.

The end.

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