Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Negative Nancy

This morning when I jumped onto my favorite website... facebook duh! I started reading my news feed and then I came to one post in particular. This person was talking about how someone just told them how much of a miserable person they were and they were a buzz kill to be around but then told them they still loved them. Then they said something like, WTF?

Then I got curious and I want to be McGruff the crime dog and investigate. So I looked at this persons facebook page and started reading what seemed like an endless amount of negative status updates. I mean there was not one single good status update that I read on the first second or third page.

Not that it is any of my business but seriously, if you would just take some time to stop bitching about every little bad thing that happens to you people would actually care. Also when I was reading these updates I saw that no one was commenting on them. NO ONE.

Secondly, at least that person had the balls to tell you to your face that they think you are negative. Sometimes the truth hurts and it really hurts when it comes from people that genuinely love and care for you. My sister says I am the most negative person and you know what... she might be right but I beg to differ sometimes. I personally think I am more of a realist a lot of the time but what the hell do I know? I am not sitting back and watching myself. Maybe she is right? So chances are she is probably seeing something that I am failing to see all together.

My advice is that you should listen to this person who said this to you because maybe they care enough to want to get you to see that you might just be in a funk and they want what is best for you... your happiness. Who knows, maybe if you would stop being such a negative Nancy people would actually want to care about what was going on in your life and stop telling you that you are a miserable person.

Just sayin.

The end.