Tuesday, September 27, 2011

We Aren't Super Heroes.

I learned the other day that someone that I knew in Middle School passed away. She left behind two children that she just gained custody of and was "finally, moving on" with her life.

It was a real shame at what she left behind. It really is. But when you learn how she passed it makes you feel even worse. Now, obviously I don't know any details of her life. Honestly, I knew her and we used to be great friends when we were children but I cannot say that I knew her enough to write a eulogy about her like many people that I went to middle school with, whom felt the need to do on their facebook. Honestly, I am not sure they kept in touch with her often enough in our adult life to be able to say those things about her either but, whatever.

But what I can say is this. I remember when we were kids we all dreamt of what we were going to be when we grow up.
We all dreamt of being super heroes when we were kids and then we grow up. We all realize that life will throw you curve balls and it is your job to take the wisdom that is instilled in you from your parents and dodge those curve balls the best that you can. Some of us get thrown curve balls that get the best of us and we fall victim to the mess it creates. Some of us are awesome at dodging those curve balls and have turned out to be amazing adults. Some of us are late bloomers in life and we went through a phase where it seemed like it was us against the world. Some of us have children of our own that we chose to instill the same values of wisdom that we knew in order to guide them to the right decision when faced with these curve balls. Remember, we aren't all super heroes we are just a bunch of kids trying to make it in this world.

September 25, 2011 will forever be a sad day in some people's eyes. But try not to be a bigger person than you really were to her and write how much you loved her. Because we all know that you never actually spoke to her in your adult life other than keeping in touch on your facebook. If you really were someone who loved her then she would have known it before she passed.

If you don't like this then that is fine. I am just calling you out. Afterall, we aren't super heroes. We can't be there all the time. Just try not to make it sound like you guys were the best of friends because well... you weren't.

The end.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Wined & Dined... Literally.

Let me tell you first off that I obviously am one of the biggest foodies that you will ever meet. I love food to its core especially great food. When I say that I have really eaten some of the most amazing things you can imagine you had better believe me when I say that.
I am one that will eat anything once just to say that I have tried it. I will never say that I don't like something without trying at least a "big girl" bite. I can thank my parents for that. Especially my dad. He has always told me that you cannot like something that you haven't tried.

Another thing that I must say is that aside from great food I enjoy going to a restaurant and receiving the best service that I have ever had in my entire life. I want to feel like there is no one else in a crowded restaurant but me. Tonight, I can confidently say that I experienced both.

This ladies and gentlemen is a story of how one of my favorite restaurants will continue to be my favorite restaurant until the end of time. Even after they broke my heart...they literally did everything they could to piece it back together again.

In fact, this is the compliment that I submitted to the corporate office for the restaurant word for word:

I love Bravo! I ate at the location in Scottsdale many times while I lived there. But I must say that I have never in my entire life been treated the way that I was treated at the location in Little Rock. You really have some of the most amazing and I mean, amazing, management on staff there. I could not be more pleased at the service that I received at this particular restaurant tonight. The manager that I will say that you all are extraordinarily lucky to have working for you is Michael Koester.

I had a not so good experience at this location a few weeks ago when I was with a party of about 35 people. Coming from a family that owned a restaurant I can say that I know it was not exactly an easy task to take care of a table of 35.

Michael was determined to make things right with my sister and myself. Which tonight really left a huge impression on us. He made us feel like there was no one else in that crowded restaurant on a wait except for us. This all came with the help of one of the most amazing servers I have ever encountered in all the times I have eaten at any restaurant. His name is Chirone and should be truly treasured.

My sister and I are both very open minded individuals that seem to have the worst luck when we go out to eat anywhere. I am tickled to know that all it takes is for one person to care enough to want to break that cycle with us and it was Michael. For what my opinion is worth, I will say that Michael is truly a powerful asset to your restaurants. You should do everything you can to hold on to him.

I am so grateful that I had the pleasure of eating in his (Michael's) restaurant. I look forward to many more visits to see Michael and Chirone in the future.

So really what ended up happening is that we were treated as VIP's all night and it was by far the best experience I have ever had in my life. I kept the receipt because the discount they used was called the VIP Lifetime. I am not sure what that means but I will tell you that it means that my meal was taken care of completely. Even my wine.

So Michael definitely wined and dined me... literally. And I am glad because he has definitely won this girl's heart.

The end.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

At What Point Are We Wrong?

You know, there comes a time in everyone's life where they get hurt. I mean really, really hurt. As human beings it is definitely natural to want to hurt the other person back. I heard this line in a movie once, "I am proud of you for standing up for yourself....I know my moral compass doesn't always point due north. But if this was the right thing to do wouldn't you feel better about it right now?"

We all grow up with our teachers and priests and parents telling us that "Two wrongs do not make a right."

I personally have destroyed friendships and have had my friendship violated. I have seen this happen to many people throughout my life, granted my life is only a span of 27 years but I have seen plenty and I am sure I will see plenty more. But one thing that I will say is, at one point or another I ask myself if I feel better or worse without that person's forgiveness. I am not saying that we all need to forgive and forget but I am saying we all need to put things behind us sometimes and move on. Some people will recover and some will not. We cannot allow the hurt that we have encountered define us.

Whether we like it or not, even though that moment in time we are feeling hurt, life goes on. Eventually we will recover and live life to its fullest without seeking vengeance on the other person. It hurts my heart to think about the worst thing that I have ever done to one single person. Truthfully in hindsight after living life a little bit longer I have come to find that what I did was nothing compared to some people. But at what point are we wrong as human beings really? I mean, I have said some hurtful things and I consider myself wrong all the time.

Next time you seek revenge on another person regardless of how hurt you are ask yourself that. At what point are we wrong?

Let the other person hurt and then comfort them for being hurt the best you can. Retaliation is normal human reaction. Just make sure that you truly feel better after you are finished with whatever you have done. Most who seek refuge will not feel better. Most will still be just as hurt as they were if not worse.

I always say Karma is a constant turning wheel. Think about the next time it lands on you. What do you want your fate to be?