Tuesday, September 27, 2011

We Aren't Super Heroes.

I learned the other day that someone that I knew in Middle School passed away. She left behind two children that she just gained custody of and was "finally, moving on" with her life.

It was a real shame at what she left behind. It really is. But when you learn how she passed it makes you feel even worse. Now, obviously I don't know any details of her life. Honestly, I knew her and we used to be great friends when we were children but I cannot say that I knew her enough to write a eulogy about her like many people that I went to middle school with, whom felt the need to do on their facebook. Honestly, I am not sure they kept in touch with her often enough in our adult life to be able to say those things about her either but, whatever.

But what I can say is this. I remember when we were kids we all dreamt of what we were going to be when we grow up.
We all dreamt of being super heroes when we were kids and then we grow up. We all realize that life will throw you curve balls and it is your job to take the wisdom that is instilled in you from your parents and dodge those curve balls the best that you can. Some of us get thrown curve balls that get the best of us and we fall victim to the mess it creates. Some of us are awesome at dodging those curve balls and have turned out to be amazing adults. Some of us are late bloomers in life and we went through a phase where it seemed like it was us against the world. Some of us have children of our own that we chose to instill the same values of wisdom that we knew in order to guide them to the right decision when faced with these curve balls. Remember, we aren't all super heroes we are just a bunch of kids trying to make it in this world.

September 25, 2011 will forever be a sad day in some people's eyes. But try not to be a bigger person than you really were to her and write how much you loved her. Because we all know that you never actually spoke to her in your adult life other than keeping in touch on your facebook. If you really were someone who loved her then she would have known it before she passed.

If you don't like this then that is fine. I am just calling you out. Afterall, we aren't super heroes. We can't be there all the time. Just try not to make it sound like you guys were the best of friends because well... you weren't.

The end.

1 comment:

  1. It's been my experience that people grieve in different ways. Everyone's perception may be different, especially during a very difficult and traumatic time. My heart and prayers go out to your friend, and all that knew her, especially her young children and her parents. Peace be with her. God bless.
