Friday, October 28, 2011

Picture This. FAIL!

So, I thought that I was going to be cool and insert a picture a day on my blog. HAHAHAHA! Who the hell was I kidding? I don't really have time to be doing anything crazy like that but I will however say this. I always capture some amazing photos with my cool phone...which btw isn't cool anymore. I now want the new droid Bionic. Someone I know got one and I am completely jealous. I WANT IT!

Anyhow, I digressed. So from now on I am going to go back to my usual rants and try not to kid myself or you for that matter any longer. I never finish anything that I say I am going to do for myself so why start now? But as I mentioned earlier I will definitely share the funny pictures that I capture on my phone or awesome pictures or even pictures that you may have to turn your head to understand what the hell you are looking at.

Like this one for example:

Or this:

Or this:

So, now onto a new topic. I...did I mention that I am literally the Bionic woman? I mean seriously, I work two big deal jobs and I make it look like a piece of cake most of the time. I am a Direct of Business Advisory Services for one company and a Director of Local Marketing for another...but the title for that one is more fun. I am the "Local Genius" yes that's right. I am a Local Genius. Who freaking knew that little old me would be referred to as a Genius one day. Hopefully no one figures me out truly or I am in deep crap. Just kidding. I really am a genius.

Well the reason I brought this up is that my sweets and I got into a pretty serious argument about it. He seems to think that I work way too much. Which after reading what I wrote about not being able to keep up with something as simple as Picture a Day. He might be right. But unfortunately I love my job. Now keeping in mind serious to me is any type of arguing because I don't like to argue anymore..been there done that I am over arguing.

Right now I don't have anything else but my career. No husband or kids. Just a dog and a career that is taking off in leaps and bounds. I am proud of where my career is and well, I can't be happier with my jobs. I mean who else gets to sit at home and work their butts off in their pajamas all day? Not many. He has to wear a shirt and a tie everyday. I say forget that. I like my sweats and being able to see my dog all day. Right now she is what is most important in my life. If I can provide a great home for her then that is all that matters.

So here is to working in my PJs and drinking cherry kool-aid while I work all day and sometimes night.

The end.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Catching up on Picture This...

Because I totally suck at keeping up with things like this I have decided that sometimes I am going to play catch up. Plus I have a few good pictures to post up.

So here goes...

This first picture was of Iyla making funny faces at me through the window while I was outside. She has been seriously attached to me these last few days. I think it is because she thinks I am moving away a lot sooner than I will be. I am not moving to Vegas until next year but she asks about it all the time. It breaks my heart because I wish I could stay with her all the time but Auntie needs to get on with her own life too. Anyhow, this picture made me laugh.

And so did this one...

This next picture is of my walk with Lola down at the River Market. It was of the "Big Damn Bridge." Yes, that is really what they call it here.

This is one of the best pictures I have ever taken of Lola...of course I had to edit it a little and the fact that she has her big pink tongue sticking out isn't awesome but she is my big sweetie.

This picture is of Lola at the dog park. Her favorite thing to do is stand in the pool and face surf. But there wasn't a whole lot of water in it so she just looks a little ridiculous.

This last one is of one of my favorite places here in Little Rock. It is a bar called Willy D's. It's a piano bar. Sorry that the picture is a little blurry...I was a little drunk by the time I realized I hadn't take a picture for the photo of the day yet.

Now I am officially caught up...starting tomorrow I will get back on track with my photo of the day.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Tiny View of DT LR

This picture was taken on the balcony of the Couch Ninja's apartment. He lives in downtown Little Rock at the River Market.

Now this picture explains why he is called the Couch Ninja. I walked into his apartment tonight and this is what I saw... I mean, I knew he was looking to change his living room set but really? He told me that he was going to put the new leather sofa on cinder blocks and create stadium seating. I know men have simple minds but his seems to work really hard when it comes to watching Michigan Football. Whatever.

And this one is self explanatory on why I love it so much. This was also taken off of his balcony.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Daily Photo

So my niece has this mild obsession with taking pictures of herself. Very vein. I have no idea where she gets it from... oh wait. Probably from me and my sister. Haha. Tonight I was working on something in my room and she decided she was going to come in my room and see what was going on. Usually I will show her something cool on my computer and she will go and play. But tonight I decided to show her my cam on my computer.... and this is what picture we got. Actually it was more like a few so here they are... Oh and Don King called. He wants his hair back.

The New Generation.

Now let me first start by saying this....I am not the most patriotic person out there. I mean, I don't wear red every Friday like I should or anything like that but I do have respect for our country as my dad raised me to have.

Also, I live on an Air Force Base for those of you who do not know that and I will say for the most part, I see a lot of patriotic things going on here.

I pick my niece up from school each day. Sometimes, I get a little crazy and decide that I am going to get there early so that I can get my niece a little faster than having to wait in line for an hour while the morons who run the picking up system at her school figure out what the hell they are doing. Ok, getting off track. As I am waiting if I am lucky enough I get to watch four students take down the Arkansas flag and the Old Glory. They usually fold them up properly and walk them inside. But not today.

So there is a teacher and four new students doing the task this afternoon. So the first two boys take down the Arkansas flag and start folding it on the sidewalk away from the flag pole. They are being really careful and respectful and it is kind of fun to watch these kids. The second two boys that are handling the American flag... not so much. Now one important detail, I was actually talking with my operations manager on the phone while all of this was happening and deviated from our conversation about my incompetence when logging into a very important tool we use on a daily basis.

Anyhow, I am watching these other two boys handle the American flag and they proceed to drag it on the ground. Then one boy thought it would be funny to swing the flag over his head like a helicopter. I am shocked at this. So as I am talking to my operations manager I get side tracked and start watching these boys. Then I hear a horn honk and the look and start to play with the flag again while parents are watching and the teach is watching too! Then thankfully another parent in uniform goes, "HEY, STOP THAT!"

Thank goodness for him. You know, as I get older I start to realize something very, very real and sad at the same time. Some people in this country still do not instill in their children that we are Americans. We are strong! We are proud! Mostly, we are supposed to respect the country that we live in. I never thought I would see this type of behavior from a child that is being raised in a military family but I did and it makes me sad.

There are parents out there who say there is nothing more that they can do but the truth is that children learn from parents. It starts at the parents. So really I can say this. My dad and my mom did a great job of raising me to have respect for our country. I never in a million years would ever have done those things to the American flag and not got my ass whipped.

The end.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Picture This.

I have decided that I am going to post a daily picture everyday for an entire year starting today. It might be boring like a picture of a shoe or a picture of my dog. But it will be a picture with an explanation of what the heck you might be looking at because I am sure there will be some questionable things that I might snap on my 8.0 Mega Pixel HD camera phone. (Yes Apple, you are behind the times get over yourself. This phone has been the shiz for more than a year which is like a decade in smart phone time.)

So sometimes I might get a little feisty and post more than one picture.... you never know what amazingness I might just have to snap a photo of and share it with the five people who actually read my blog.

This first picture is going to be pretty simplistic because I thought of this while I was laying in bed and thinking about how many mobile uploads I actually have on my FaceBook.

Now, I can't promise that every picture is going to be amazing but I can promise that there will be one. Everyday.

This first one is of my favorite things that I own out of all of my clothing items. Scarfs and these are only a few of the ones that I own. So for those of you who do not know what to get me as a gift ever...when all else fails get me or make me a scarf. I love them. I even geeked out and got a Google Scarf.