Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Catching up on Picture This...

Because I totally suck at keeping up with things like this I have decided that sometimes I am going to play catch up. Plus I have a few good pictures to post up.

So here goes...

This first picture was of Iyla making funny faces at me through the window while I was outside. She has been seriously attached to me these last few days. I think it is because she thinks I am moving away a lot sooner than I will be. I am not moving to Vegas until next year but she asks about it all the time. It breaks my heart because I wish I could stay with her all the time but Auntie needs to get on with her own life too. Anyhow, this picture made me laugh.

And so did this one...

This next picture is of my walk with Lola down at the River Market. It was of the "Big Damn Bridge." Yes, that is really what they call it here.

This is one of the best pictures I have ever taken of Lola...of course I had to edit it a little and the fact that she has her big pink tongue sticking out isn't awesome but she is my big sweetie.

This picture is of Lola at the dog park. Her favorite thing to do is stand in the pool and face surf. But there wasn't a whole lot of water in it so she just looks a little ridiculous.

This last one is of one of my favorite places here in Little Rock. It is a bar called Willy D's. It's a piano bar. Sorry that the picture is a little blurry...I was a little drunk by the time I realized I hadn't take a picture for the photo of the day yet.

Now I am officially caught up...starting tomorrow I will get back on track with my photo of the day.

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