Friday, January 20, 2012

Millions of Pieces

My heart feels that way right now. I mean, how could someone be such a train wreck that they had used me as a punching bag for all these years. I know all about you. I know that you lie about your degree in social work, I know that you lie to your husband because you have payday loans out, for the record those are illegal for military members and dependents to get, we are talking on a federal level, don't believe me? Google that shit. I know that you guy are broke minutes after you get paid twice a month because of all the notice cards from B of A. We have all gotten them before, I'm not a dummy. I know that you tell everyone that you are this holier than thou person and really you are a horrible person who is just a pathological liar.
You break my heart because I like to believe that I am a good person but you loved to break me down and tell me I was a bad person. Weirdly so, I don't feel bad about how we left things because I saved you guys! I moved there and saved you from having to pay thousands in child care and you have the nerve to tell me that I needed you? I had an awesome job, had an apartment, was never broke and I was happy in Scottsdale!!!! I was worse off when I moved to you and now I have to recover. Everything that you have ever said to me was never in my best interest now that I think about it. It was all for yours. You stole from does all that make-up work out for you? And my make-up brushes? What about the rest of the stuff you went through in my room when I was gone? Did you sell any of it on eBay? Well now I am over you. I no longer have room for people such as yourself in my life.

So I say to all people who come into contact with you in the near future and warned. She is not who you all think she is. She is a liar, a thief and a bad person in general.

This is me...being a grown up and telling you that you quite possibly could single handedly have turned my life in the wrong direction on multiple occasions. And what I am guilty of is that I let her.

I'm done with people like you. Good riddance to bad rubbish is what my Grandmother always says. I'll be damned if she isn't right every time I refer to one of her sayings.

I'm done ranting about you...I have wasted too much energy on this already.

The end.