Thursday, January 19, 2012

Your Vote. Matters.

I just took a political views test and I really am a Liberal Republican. Or a Rockefeller Republican or a Moderate Republican...whatever you want to call me. So I have been right all these years about being part of the Moderate party. I don't sway one way or the other really just in between with conservative outlooks on somethings like business and the environment. As far as education goes I still believe that teachers should be some of the highest paid Americans because they teach our future and we as a country are in trouble so we need a stronger youth, but who am I? Just one vote amongst millions. Everything else I believe, we as people make our own decisions and should stick by those decisions no matter what the consequences. So as this voting season comes into full swing this year, figure out what side of the fence you are on and vote. Because I am one that makes a difference every time I vote. And so are you.

The prime example that I saw that made me believe this whole campaign for voting was right...the Iowa caucus. 8 People made a difference. What if you were one of those 9 last votes counted??? were the one who made the difference in the outcome.

Take the test if you want and see what kind of voter you are here:

You never know, you could just surprise yourself on who you really are...then get ready to vote because if you have the right to vote and you don't it is what I consider un-American.

Last primary I was un-American by my standards as I didn't vote because my pickings were slim as far as I was concerned. But like my dad says, if you didn't vote then you can't bitch because you did nothing about it.

Now I am bitching because I plan on doing something about it! So moral of this rant can't bitch if you don't vote. So figure out who you are and vote away my friends. That is your right as a United States American Citizen.

So exercise your right to tell everyone else to shut the hell up because if they don't like it then they can get their butt to the voting booth just like everyone else who voted did. This year I am gonna do just that.

Oh and just so that we are clear. I love all of my friend's equally regardless of their political beliefs so if you try to turn this political crap around on me just know I will tell you to piss off but that still I love you. I never discuss politics with my friends for this very reason.

The end.

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