Thursday, February 16, 2012

Erase, replace, repeat.

Sometimes when I can't sleep I think about things that I want to write about. I guess that is what I should believe to make me a great writer...but what the hell do I know? I could be a crap writer. I am not even sure how many people actually read my blog posts when I put them up and well, I don't care. It just is a good release for me and sometimes I go back and read what I have written in the past I have one of three reactions... I laugh at some of the funny stuff I write about because they all relate to real life events, I put my serious face on and say damn right!, or I have a little bit of a sad face moment because I choose to write about real life events. So tonight I am listening to my Spotify account and I must say I freaking love this stupid app from my favorite website...FaceBook duh!

So this song comes on We Are Young by Fun. Seriously, this song makes me want to bust out my lighter and sing loud and obnoxiously. But I will save Lola from the agony. But the lyrics are really what get me...

We are young
So let’s set the world on fire
We can burn brighter than the sun

We can burn brighter than the sun! Seriously, I don't know about you but that means a lot to me. I just think that if we all started to live our lives that way we would be just the happiest people on the planet. Now, I am definitely not telling anyone to set anything on fire...and for those of you who thought that instantly, shame on you. I do not promote violence. Unless it is smacking someone in the face because they need it...that I am ok with. Some people just need that little push in the right the face.

I digressed. Ok, so my point is that happiness is self created. If you are not happy with your life and you feel like the whole world is out to get you then guess what??? It probably is. I believe that we are our own worst enemy. So why not take yourself by the horns and say shut up; let me do it my way? Or even better slap the face. Stop blaming others for your unhappy ways and just concentrate on making your own path to happiness. What I mean by that is simply make yourself the only person that you see in the big picture. Then add things in the picture or erase them as necessary to complete your big picture. Mine for example has changed recently but is basically this...

Myself, my dog, my family and my friends...then a highway around myself that has cars moving very fast on it like one of those progressive still videos that show traffic moving throughout the day in like a 30 second frame. Then on the other side of that highway I see green rolling hills like that picture you can use as a default background for Windows 95, then lyrics to music that I love written in the clouds. Totally random I know; but that's what mine looks like. I have had other people that were in my picture and they were erased and replaced and random things that make it in but are taken out depending on my mood.

But the point is that my picture is forever changing. If you like it or not, it is going to happen. This change can be good, bad, beautiful, and of course ugly. But really though at the end of the day, it is what you make of it. So why not set your world on fire and burn brighter than the sun? Make the best of the cards that you are dealt everyday. Life isn't so bad..I know it sucks sometimes but at least you are living it. If you aren't living it then you better start because basking in your own bitterness is not going to solve anything. Move it along people...nothing to see here...I promise that half of the people who stopped to stare at the train wreck in your life have moved onto bigger and better train wrecks. There is always someone out there doing bigger and better things so get off your butt and catch up to them or leave them in the dust. Paint that picture...erase, replace, live and repeat as necessary. You will feel much better once you learn that change is part of life and you will deal with it good or bad.

The end.

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