Thursday, March 1, 2012

Economic Fail. PIER ONE SUCKS!

So I want you to ask yourself one thing the next time that you decide to go shopping. I mean really remember that you asked yourself this question with every person that you come into contact with on your little shopping escapade. Who's fault is it really that our economy sucks? Why isn't anyone making big purchases or purchases at all for that matter???

Well, I have a shopping story that I, at first, did not really believe that this happens to one person that I hold very near and dear to my heart because well, I love my pie face and not to mention that she is the nicest person that I have ever met when it comes to dealing with people until...well, you will have to read the rest of my crappy writing to find out what happens when she gets mad.

So this super nice person tells me that every time she goes shopping with out fail someone talks her out of buying something and it is usually the person that is supposed to be selling her the items because well, that is their job. She also told me that people will actually talk her right out of spending her money. Now, she isn't the richest broad on the planet, but she has it to spend and she wants to freaking spend it! She tells me of these people that will literally be (the sales people who are supposed to be adding on things for her to buy) telling her that she shouldn't buy what she wants to buy.

ARE YOU JOKING ME?!? If that was me I would be the first person to say, "You should buy this too because it goes with the mountain of crap you want to buy from my garbage store." For example...Pier One. Who doesn't love that store??? If you say you don't like anything in that store you are full of crap. Everyone will find some kind of something they can live without in that store, and buy it just for the sake of buying it so they too can say, "I bought it at Pier One. Isn't it awesome?" When truthfully no it isn't because I can buy that same over priced crap at another crap store down the street for half of what you paid.

So my "person" and I go into this store because she has every intention of buying a dining room table. I know what my friends are thinking...and yes she spends that kind of money. She is like every sales person's wet dream. Not to mention, our economy needs more people like her, so why not encourage them to spend it up? So we go in and she bee-lines for the first table that she sees and likes it enough to buy it. Now we don't buy it right away because I was an idiot and said I was starving but we at least found out more about it from the sales girl that was in how much does it cost and how long does it take to get it and do they deliver and if I can make this run-on sentence any longer I totally would. The sales girl was shocked that we asked about this table with four chairs and a bench...the total cost was about $2000. That's a lot of scratch, and probably more than the total sales for this dead store produced in the last three days. So the girl does her sales pitch of the Pier One credit card about points and she is so nervous that she is choking on her words because well, she has probably never seen anyone willing to come in a drop that much cash in her life.

After milling around a bit, we leave with full intentions on coming back to buy the table four chairs and a bench the next day. So...the next day we did. We came back in and spoke to the same girl who was choking all over her words and this time she really wasn't believing that my "person" was going to drop two grand on a table. But guess what?? She did. So I walked around the store looking at all of the useless crap and we found another basket that she needed to put magazines in. Then as we are walking back to the register she tells me that the girl rang up her order, and while a person who just spent more than most of my friends make in a month on a table, of course she checked to make sure the receipt was right. Instead of the sales girl waiting to ensure that she got the order correct, she started talking to a completely different couple who were buying a freaking decorative pillow and turned her attention away from the big sale that was about to be $50 more but wasn't because she didn't finish helping her. IS SHE INSANE?!? Now, for those of you who are sales people...most of my friends are...would you rather have someone who is only spending $25 or the one that is spending $2050??? So we say whatever...lets go get a beer. And we did....BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE!

After we get done having a beer at Bailey's in the mall we decide to screw around and shop a little. We went to American Eagle and the guy who was working in there was cool and we bought stuff and got out. Then we stop and go into this store called Wet Seal...for those of you who haven't been in one they are stores with clothes that are cute but sometimes not cute but they are definitely easy on the wallet. So we start shopping around and my "person" decides she wants to get a few shirts. She goes up to the girl at the counter who immediately starts telling her that she needs a smaller size. Now this is coming from a girl who looked like she jumped out of her window to put on a camisole and threw a jacket over her arms to attempt to cover up the waves of fat screaming to get out of there. Ok that was mean...but the truth hurts. First off if you are going to work in a store and be the only person working there, obviously a manager of some type...get off your freaking cell phone and help the only two people who are shopping in your crappy store to begin with and secondly...BUY YOUR SIZE HAGATHA! Ok, now. This girl looks at my "person" and tells her that she needs a smaller size and my "person" has awesomely large boobs. I mean, I am jealous and mine are not small at all. She is beyond gorgeous and well, she knows what size she is. As most women do when they go shopping. We don't like to try things on unless we really have to. So then the girl behind the counter is arguing with her! UNBELIEVEABLE! STFU!!! And sell her the shirt! So I leave because I am dying from all the beer I drank...and this is where it gets really good.

My "person" is waiting on me because I am super slow in a public restroom and I am a freak about not touching anything! As I am walking towards her she said that she was going to buy me a shirt and the girl looked at her and no lie these were her exact words to my "person." "No, you shouldn't buy that shirt because it won't look good on her. Save your money." WHAT THE FREAK IS WRONG WITH HER???

I wish I was the owner of that store and caught one of my employees talking someone out of buying something in my crappy clothing store. I would fire them in front of everyone. I would cause the biggest scene because she is costing my store money! I mean, every sale, I know she makes a commission based off of her numbers for the day. Wouldn't you want to sell her the matching camisole with the shirt and some jeans and a freaking pair of earrings???? WHY WOULD YOU NOT DO THAT??????

Here's the best part....A week goes by and she calls me and tells me she is finally getting her table. She gets home only to find that they forgot two of her chairs. So she calls and the manager of Pier One...the MANAGER...yes, the STORE MANAGER, says, "Oh, well we already put those together and set them out on the sales floor. Because most people only order two chairs and the bench."

My "person says, "Well, I ordered four and you should have checked my invoice. So please make sure they are not damaged and I want my two chairs."

The Store Manager says, "Well, I just assumed that you would only order two chairs."

My "person" says, "Well, you didn't think to look at the invoice? Cause that is what someone generally does when they get in an order that was sent out right?"

That girl is an idiot. To top it off tonight my "person" sees that the table she bought was on sale 14 days later..technically 13 days later for $300 less that what she originally paid. So she called up to the Pier One and spoke to the same manager...her name is Heidi...and let me tell you Heidi is an idiot. So she says to my person over the phone, "Ma'am today is the second of March. You can't get a price match 15 days after you bought it and I am not going to give it to you." It's the first of March genius...look at a freaking calendar.

My "person" says, "Oh yes you will. Or I am gonna call corporate."

Manager Heidi: "Well I am leaving in five minutes so you need to come up here today to get the price match or I am not going to give it to you."

My "person" says, "Fine I will be right there."

She literally showed up a few minutes later and this is what that manager does...she argues with my "person" and says she is doing her a favor by giving her the price match and that she is lucky and she is going to call and tell corporate about her.

My "person" says, "Ok PIE FACE...I ain't got nothing better to do but call and complain about I did last week." This would be why you don't make her mad...because she went home got on her phone called corporate and wrote all over their website and now I am writing this blog and I am going to tag the crap out of it to make sure that when someone types in something to do with Pier One it shows up some where on this giant billboard we call the internet. And now she has said she will never go into that store ever again...they probably lost their best customer because Heidi can't count to 15 much less be nice to a customer who spent more than Heidi brings home in a months worth of work. End result: Heidi is an idiot and I am going to go apply for her job tomorrow because I have a feeling once corporate hears of this story she will no longer have it. Plus, I want a discount on buying crap I don't need for in my life.

Really the moral of this amazing story is that THIS IS ONE OF THE BIGGEST REASONS the economy sucks. Mainly, because people like those two pathetic examples of sales people don't let people like my "person" buy whatever the hell she/he wants. If you are a sales person and have read this just know, if you are this pathetic type of sales person, then you need a career change. As a matter of fact, just go live in a hole somewhere and never come out. You are the type of sales people that make real sales people, like myself and many of my friends, want to shake the day lights out of you. It's sales people like you that contribute to the losses recorded by retail companies each year instead of profits. It's sales people like you that belong in the factory making the crap that great sales people will eventually sell because they want the prize...the commission. If you would rather collect your hourly and call it a day...then go work at an hourly job and leave it to the pros.

The end.


  1. hahahaha wow i really enjoyed your post. I wanted to add my two cents to the pier one part though. The girls were not fumbling over their words because they had never seen anyone pay that much for anything....quite the opposite they see that on a daily basis almost. The reason they were fumbling was because they were talking about the card. Not only is it hard to talk to someone about signing up for the credit card, it is very scary because that company puts a tone of pressure on each person to sell the credit cards or else they get written up. Trust would be fumbling a lot too.

    1. Shewy: I know this is like an entire year later. But I have literally been taking a break from blogging and have started a new blog about me and my awesome husband....but that is aside from what I will say. I have been a director of sales for many years and when I say that you don't fumble when asking about a credit card, you don't. You are a sales person and talking to people is your job. If you don't ask you will not sell. Period. I have sold many credit cards in my young days of selling and I was a genius at getting people to spend their money. Hence the reason I am now a Director of Business Advisory Services (I am the biggest benefactor in selling advertising to international law firms.) Because, I am that good at what I do. But I feel ya girl. And I appreciate YOU for appreciating my writing. :)

  2. Although your experience sounds less then stellar (and I am only hearing one side of it) rest assured, that the manager probably did not lose her job. I've worked in retail management a long time and customer complaints are just part of the job. Corporate appeases and moves on. I'm wondering if you have ever worked with the public? I will say that after the chair fiasco, the price adjustment should have just been given-no questions asked. Also, as a stay at home mom now and only working part time at-you guessed it-Pier One, people drop $2000 like it's nothing. I was totally shocked when I got the job, but it's true. Pier One has a following, (almost like a cult) and those people spend big money. There is also a Platinum Pier One card-anyone that spends $1000 a year on their card becomes platinum. Believe me there is A LOT of Platinum cards out there!!!

    1. Like I mentioned earlier, I apologize this is almost a year later. But, you are mistaken about me not working with the public. It really was a screwed up situation. I went back there later to find out that Heidi was infact no longer working there. Which, in all honesty, like I mentioned in my post, I would imagine that her Director of Sales would be infuriated to hear of such a story. It was a real "shit" show. I believe you about Pier One having a cult-like following. They have some pretty awesome crap that I NEED every time I go into one of their stores. I am sure there are a lot of platinum cards which is good that someone is pushing their card. Because if that was not a success then I am sure they would do away with it. But on a serious note, thank you for reading my crazy post. I am glad that you can vouch for the brand and say that people do actually spend money...I think that a company should appreciate that. It is a shame that SOME people in retail management forget that without those folks they would likely not be in the position that they are in. (I mean, as a whole picture of course.)

  3. Slave labor job. Back breaking. Not worth the 25 percent off. Make you hustle hard for 8 bucks an hour. Felt like their nigger.
