Wednesday, April 21, 2010

50 cents for a to-go box what?!?!

It was a slow day in the kitchen except for when Chef Z decided he was gonna blame me for his horrific singing ability. Really?

Oh and instead of punch-dub it is now punch-short-bus. I mean whenever you see the short-bus punch the shit out of your is gonna be an epic new game that was started in a test kitchen in Scottsdale on April 21, 2010. Take note of that.

After school today we all decided that we were going to go to YC's for lunch. Mongolian bar-b-que....uh yes please. Plus it is awesome that the cost of this meal of yummy yummy sauce and deliciousness is the right price for the speed of a college student's shallow pockets. And let me tell you it was muy bueno!

So when we were getting ready to box our massive meals up and leave, Travis and his cheap ass...well, I didn't think he was a cheap ass until I finally understand why I would have been a little more bent about my to-go box. He ended up dropping one on the floor and the girl grabbed us a new one. It wasn't until that moment when I heard the dumbest thing ever in my entire life of eating at restaurants.

Kat and Travis asked for to-go boxes too and the girl said, "Sure not a problem. That will be 50 cents a piece." She had this serious face of conviction on. I heard George say exactly what I was thinking... "Is she joking?" They charge you for the dumbest thing on the planet.

Then she said, "Since it's your first time here I will let you have them for free but now you know we charge 50 cents for them."

Are you joking me?!?! That is like telling someone that they have to pay to puke in your bathroom even if they have eaten at your restaurant and the badness decided it wanted out that second. So George decided he wanted to ask why...I wanted to know too honestly I was floored.

But somehow this started into an argument at out table and well let's just say that I no longer agree with the way some people handle things amongst our friends. I believe in healthy arguing but not being a jackass and saying things that make someone feel inferior. Really? I wanted to tell this person to eat a dick today but whatever. Sometimes there comes a time when someone believes in something so much that they are passionate enough to ask why and they should be able to do so without conviction.

So George decided as we were leaving he was going to stop and ask the owner why...and come to find out the owner actually had a serious problem with his food cost because people are people and don't know that you cannot just pile your bowl tall enough to feed a family of ten and expect to not have to pay for your waste. So in closing after George explained to him how to properly price his food according to AP state; he was offered a job.

The actual funny part of this story is this..... GEORGE DIDN'T EVEN EAT THERE! He just sat there and enjoyed or at least tried to enjoy the company of his friends.


The end.

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