Monday, April 19, 2010

My first blog!

Well, I actually used to blog a long time ago but they were my private rants and now I have decided to share them with the whole world! So surprise!!! Here I am!

My name is Rachel. I want my blog to be entertaining for the masses. I read blogs sometimes...and yes I am a lamer like that. As are you for reading this. So, I decided that I will blog my butt off when I have an entertaining not everyday will be as awesome therefore, not worth sharing. Or as my boyfriend answers, "Nothing." Because he says that if it isn't entertaining in the sense it isn't worth speaking about.

I am a culinarian in sunny Scottsdale, Arizona. For those of you who don't know, it is wicked hot here. And no that never changes. Imagine how hot it gets in the kitchen and all the crazy stuff we talk about in class. In a sense my blog is going to be of epic proportions in hilariousness. (Spell check said that was a real word.)

I have a George. He is awesome! It is always a good time when he is around my boxer, Lola. I had no idea she was multilingual until he told her to sit, stay and shake in Armenian. Who knew?!?

I also live with my amazing boyfriend, Corey. He doesn't speak much until he starts drinking that is. Then Boston is all over this house! George and I are not from Boston but its still hilrious. He also has an amazing little girl, Danica. She is such a lover! I fell in love with her the instant that I met her.

I am not going to write too much about them as of now because I don't want to take up more than half of your day reading my garbage rants. I will settle for a quarter.

Well, for now this will have to suffice. I have some studying to do with slacker George who bitched out on school today and missed out on literally cooking about twelve different types of eggs. No, I am not exaggerating I really cooked enough eggs that I smell like a chicken's rear end.

1 comment:

  1. Very good for a First Blog!!! :) I enjoyed it. This inspires me to want to write one. But I have got toooo many juicy stories and don't know if everyone should know about those. lol.

