Monday, May 31, 2010

What am I really doing here???

Sometimes I sit back and look at my life and wonder what I am really doing. I wonder what it is going to be like in ten years. Am I going to be an amazing TV chef? Am I going to be a Chef that works too much and gets paid too little?

Am I going to be proud of what I have become and not wonder if I took the correct chances with my career? I am not sure. One thing I am for sure of though is that no matter what I am doing I want to be happy. I want to come home and look around and say I have accomplished what I wanted to in the little time that I have left on this earth we live in.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Let me make myself clear...

I am soo sick of changing my life around for the sake of some other person's negligeance. I mean seriously, if you cannot be an adult then why do you try to play one on TV?

This is real life here. Why don't people understand that the world does not evolve around them?? Also while I am at this rant; why are some mothers so lazy that they let their child go without a bath?

I mean, about the bath thing. My mother always said that it is better for your kids to be squeeky clean rather than you. Meaning that my mother more times than not went out looking like a hot mess but we were always clean. Why can't all mothers live by this simple principal?

As far as the other thing goes about having to move my life around this person all the time with out any give and take is BS. I refuse to be the person that has to put up with this horse pucky all the time. If we are constantly moving our life around because you are an irresponsible adult then learn to grow the hell up. I seriously will not let this happen to my life where we are constantly having to give up things that we like to do because she is a lamer and doesn't have a life.

Clearly, I don't think it is fair that just because she doesn't have a life that we don't get to have one either. But who am I?? I guess I don't have a say in anything that goes on in our life she still has the control.

The end.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Old friends and new friends...

Today I reconnected with an old friend of mine. Sometimes I love to meetup with old friends to catch up and sometimes well, not so much. This time I am going to have to say not so much. It seems to me that as I grow up and change I realize that some of my friends don't grow up and change.

I can't really go into too much detail about this person because I don't want to point fingers. But seriously, this person is in and out of jail and into trouble all the time and can't say a sentence much less type one without using one of our favorite four letter words. I decided a long time ago that this person wasn't going to change and that is the whole reason why I have not been around this person in almost 4 years.

Married and divorced all in a few months. In prison for a few months. Still living at home with his mother at 30 something. It is sad.

It saddens me to act as though everything is fine and will be fine between us but the truth is I can never let that person actually be a part of my life because I for one want to be a normal person of society.

I want people to respect me because I did something good with my life and haven't lived with my parents since I was 18 and never plan on moving back into their home. Well, that is unless they want me to and not pay any bills. Now that would be awesome.

Anyhow, I am so glad that I have made the new friends that I have over the past few years. Some I kept around and some well, I left in their pathetic paths of misery.

For those of you who truly know who I am understand that I do not make friends easily. The reason behind that is I believe that you surround yourself with who you want to become one day. The majority of my friends are successful, married with families, or are on their way to something great because they are in school of sometype trying to make a difference in their lives. Take a look around at your many of them do you want to end up like?

The end.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Insert freak out (HERE)

So the last few days of second term are making their way to my life very quickly. I for one feel as though I didn't really learn as much as I was supposed to. I mean, I should be able to take a six week class and leave a world renouned chef yeah?? So many idiots that decide that they want to be chefs think they can take a quick cooking class and be the next TV chef. Surprizingly so you need to be a Certified Chef in order to even use that title in real life.

Anyway, back to my freak out. I know, I get a little off topic but if you had a brain as magical as mine you would stray all the time too. So I currently hold a 87.99% in this class that I am taking. The reason it dropped from an "A" to a "B" is because yesterday during our cooking practical I decided to be a jerk to our chef. Really??? WTF was I thinking? But he just gabs and gabs and gabs about nothing important really. I ended up getting a -6 on my Ratatouille. Which devistated me because that dish was only worth 25 points. That's what I get for telling a chef to shut up and do his job. I get a -6.

But he knows and I know that I am going to be an amazing chef one day. Watchout TV land. I am coming to a TV near you. In like ten years haha.

So our final which by the way, lasts three days next week, is actually worth 200 points total. If I don't get an A on this I am so screwed and my dad is surely going to laugh me off the planet. I think everyone is going to laugh me right on out of that crazy test kitchen. I mean, I would.

Wish me luck. Cause I am gonna need it.

The end.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Miami Vice...

Oh Georgie. I am not sure if I can get through my day without laughing my ass off at him sometimes.

So a few days ago we decided that we were going to make a video of one of his shenanigans. It's got to be one of the best 24 second videos of what everyday is at our house.

I can't really describe a whole lot of it because it is better that you just watch it.

So here it is...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

A dog, a cat and weird cravings...

Our little family is turning into a bigger one by the day. We have Lola, our boxer and Danica, Corey's little girl and now we have Chowda, the black cat with yellow eyes.

Yes, you read that correctly. We now own a cat. She is six months old and a super sweetheart. I hope that her and Lola learn to get along otherwise our house is going to be a disaster all the time.

Anyway, onto the other things. I have been super lethargic lately and I want a danish. Like, with the badness. I mean all I can taste in my mouth is the smooth creamy goodness of the sweet icing and flakey deliciousness. I am trying for the life of me to figure out what kind of vitamin my body is craving so bad that I have wanted to eat a danish for like a week!!! I mean, seriously. Last time I checked there was no nutritional value in a freaking cheese danish. But I just won't do it. I won't eat a danish because I for once in my life have been doing so well with not eating badness. But I want one. Bad.

The end.