Saturday, May 8, 2010

Insert freak out (HERE)

So the last few days of second term are making their way to my life very quickly. I for one feel as though I didn't really learn as much as I was supposed to. I mean, I should be able to take a six week class and leave a world renouned chef yeah?? So many idiots that decide that they want to be chefs think they can take a quick cooking class and be the next TV chef. Surprizingly so you need to be a Certified Chef in order to even use that title in real life.

Anyway, back to my freak out. I know, I get a little off topic but if you had a brain as magical as mine you would stray all the time too. So I currently hold a 87.99% in this class that I am taking. The reason it dropped from an "A" to a "B" is because yesterday during our cooking practical I decided to be a jerk to our chef. Really??? WTF was I thinking? But he just gabs and gabs and gabs about nothing important really. I ended up getting a -6 on my Ratatouille. Which devistated me because that dish was only worth 25 points. That's what I get for telling a chef to shut up and do his job. I get a -6.

But he knows and I know that I am going to be an amazing chef one day. Watchout TV land. I am coming to a TV near you. In like ten years haha.

So our final which by the way, lasts three days next week, is actually worth 200 points total. If I don't get an A on this I am so screwed and my dad is surely going to laugh me off the planet. I think everyone is going to laugh me right on out of that crazy test kitchen. I mean, I would.

Wish me luck. Cause I am gonna need it.

The end.

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