Saturday, May 29, 2010

Let me make myself clear...

I am soo sick of changing my life around for the sake of some other person's negligeance. I mean seriously, if you cannot be an adult then why do you try to play one on TV?

This is real life here. Why don't people understand that the world does not evolve around them?? Also while I am at this rant; why are some mothers so lazy that they let their child go without a bath?

I mean, about the bath thing. My mother always said that it is better for your kids to be squeeky clean rather than you. Meaning that my mother more times than not went out looking like a hot mess but we were always clean. Why can't all mothers live by this simple principal?

As far as the other thing goes about having to move my life around this person all the time with out any give and take is BS. I refuse to be the person that has to put up with this horse pucky all the time. If we are constantly moving our life around because you are an irresponsible adult then learn to grow the hell up. I seriously will not let this happen to my life where we are constantly having to give up things that we like to do because she is a lamer and doesn't have a life.

Clearly, I don't think it is fair that just because she doesn't have a life that we don't get to have one either. But who am I?? I guess I don't have a say in anything that goes on in our life she still has the control.

The end.

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