Thursday, May 26, 2011

Oh boy...

Why is it that when I am making a huge change in my life a wrench has to be thrown right in my path? For example... I met this amazing guy... I know what you're thinking. Don't. I don't need a speech that says but Rachel don't make decisions off of a guy. Don't worry. I am not staying in Scottsdale. But I am highly contemplating coming back depending on how things go in Little Rock. Really because I am going to miss my friends so bad.

But the one thing that I almost have always complained about is the quality of the men here in Arizona. They are either perfect and gay or almost perfect and a complete  asshole.

Now suddenly I meet a great one in the last two weeks. Really?!? I don't get it. The last one that I meet is the sweetest guy I think I have met in
a long time.

But here's the catch...he is not from Arizona and totally wants to bail out! How perfect is he??? A great looking guy who is my age. Who has the same outlook on a lot of things, sweet, charming, a good head on his shoulders...And to make matters worse he is not just good looking he is completely hot.  I feel like I am being punished here. And bonus! Everyone likes him because he is such a nice person.

My friends don't like anyone...but this guy, they liked him before I knew him.

Maybe I just have bad karma? I try my best to keep the karmic wheel spinning in the right direction but some how it always manages to bite me in the ass.

For all I know he might be thinking the same thing. Doubtful but I will never know because I am too chicken to ask.

I totallly dig him. But the show goes on. Who knows maybe this girl will come back to Scottsdale one day. But like I always say... One step at a time.

Start my consulting company first... Then get the rest of my life in order. Who knows what will happen in the future? One thing I know is now I definitely have a standard because I have met him.

How many girls can say they have met a guy that meets all of the items on their check list?

This girl can.

The end.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Facebook...or should we say Fuckbook?

Why is it that no matter what I put on my facebook someone always gets so upset. I mean seriously, it is my facebook for a reason. I have the right to say what I wish but mostly I choose what I say to not really make it easy for people to really figure out who I am talking about...then someone has to say "But everyone is going to know it is me..." You're kidding me right?

Facebook kills a lot of relationships because we take things way to seriously on it. No one cares if you are wiping your ass and you want to share it with the world. Good for you I say. Hope you use enough toilet paper to avoid getting shitty fingers.

Anyway, my point is you can never go through life worrying about what other people think of you who do not matter otherwise. It isn't healthy. My 400+ friends have no fucking clue on who you are...nor do they care.

I think facebook should be called fuckbook because it fucks up a lot of relationships and friendships. Don't get me wrong I will not stop using it.. Because lets face it. I am a facebook junky.

The end.

Friday, May 20, 2011

My Last Day as a Googler...

Well, today is officially my last day as someone who works for Google. I am excited and I am scared at the same time. My time spent here though will be an experience I will never forget.

From the day that I set foot through those front doors I knew this would help me determine the rest of my life. I have done many things and seen many things. But I think that the advertising world is where I belong. I have made many different contacts here and I am sad to leave them all. But I know that I have made the best decision for me at this point in my life. I need a fresh start in a new place where no one knows me but my sister.

I will miss my Google family...we are all one in literally a million that will ever get to see the inside of this place.

The end.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The closer I get...

The more mixed feelings I have. I am glad I am committed to leaving based on the fact that Lola is there. If it wasn't for me sending her there two months ago I am not sure I would leave. I have had too many good people walk into my life in the last few weeks.

There is Chris. He is pretty amazing... so far he is ummm everything I have looked for. Wish I would have met him a lot sooner.

Then there is Bev and Autumn. We are all amazing together when we hang out and I am super sad to leave those girls.

There is Levi who is my twin except a little taller than me and he is a dude. Plus he is super hot and that always makes for a fun time. Too bad he is married.

Then there is Monica known her a while but we never spoke until recently and I have really grown to love her.

Then of course my best friends... I think Travis may have cried the other day when Chris and I left the bar. He told me that no matter what I can always come home. Meaning no matter where he is I will be able to come home. That made me cry.

Then there is Bekah. Oh my gosh I loved that girl the second I met her. I am so glad that Travis found her. There is nothing more that can say describe how much I will value her as a friend for the rest of my life.

Out of everyone I am going to miss George the most. Every time I think about it I want to cry. From the beginning I knew he would be there for me and I would be there for him. He said to me it didn't matter  what the circumstance, that it would always be him and me. No one else and he stuck by that. Now there isn't anyone more important than he and I.

I wish I could stay long enough to make sure he would never get into trouble. He is my protector and I am his. My life will never be the same without him near me. I miss him already and I am not even gone.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Time for Change...

I have lived in Scottsdale for over a year now. I have made amazing friends and lost some amazing friends. I have gone to school and dropped out...well, put that part of my life on pause again. I was an unemployed student, a kitchen manager and now I work for Google! I have been used and abused. I have loved and been loved. I have laughed and cried. I have been to dinners with friends and made dinner for friends. I have partied and been hung over. Had birthdays and been to birthdays. Given gifts and received gifts. Moved from one house to another. Been sick and taken care of sick friends. Studied and failed. Watched amazing sports (go cats!) Watched bad sports...stupid Pats. Taken road trips and taken my car to the shop. Learned about how sometimes my parents actually are right. Watched my sister move away then talked to her everyday. My best friend finally moved back to Tucson when I moved away. Missed another best friends wedding. Learned how to be strong and stand up for myself. Leaned on and been leaned on.

The point is that in that small amount of time that I have been here in Scottsdale I have made some memories that will last me forever and some even better friendships. It is now my time to move on.

I am happy about the times that I have had here and sad to leave those memories behind. But it is now the time.

So here is to you many memories of mine. I will keep you forever in my heart.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


So I am getting ready to move across the country again. I don't want to say that I am scared but who am I kidding. I am petrified. I miss my dog. Yes. But I am getting ready to move to a place where I have no security blanket at all. I am just plain scared. There is no if ands or buts about it. I finally am starting to actually like Scottsdale and now I have to leave.

Well I chose it. So I guess ready or not here I come.