Thursday, May 26, 2011

Oh boy...

Why is it that when I am making a huge change in my life a wrench has to be thrown right in my path? For example... I met this amazing guy... I know what you're thinking. Don't. I don't need a speech that says but Rachel don't make decisions off of a guy. Don't worry. I am not staying in Scottsdale. But I am highly contemplating coming back depending on how things go in Little Rock. Really because I am going to miss my friends so bad.

But the one thing that I almost have always complained about is the quality of the men here in Arizona. They are either perfect and gay or almost perfect and a complete  asshole.

Now suddenly I meet a great one in the last two weeks. Really?!? I don't get it. The last one that I meet is the sweetest guy I think I have met in
a long time.

But here's the catch...he is not from Arizona and totally wants to bail out! How perfect is he??? A great looking guy who is my age. Who has the same outlook on a lot of things, sweet, charming, a good head on his shoulders...And to make matters worse he is not just good looking he is completely hot.  I feel like I am being punished here. And bonus! Everyone likes him because he is such a nice person.

My friends don't like anyone...but this guy, they liked him before I knew him.

Maybe I just have bad karma? I try my best to keep the karmic wheel spinning in the right direction but some how it always manages to bite me in the ass.

For all I know he might be thinking the same thing. Doubtful but I will never know because I am too chicken to ask.

I totallly dig him. But the show goes on. Who knows maybe this girl will come back to Scottsdale one day. But like I always say... One step at a time.

Start my consulting company first... Then get the rest of my life in order. Who knows what will happen in the future? One thing I know is now I definitely have a standard because I have met him.

How many girls can say they have met a guy that meets all of the items on their check list?

This girl can.

The end.

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