Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Good Deed Failed.

My last night in Tucson was kind of an interesting one. My brother and I stopped at Walgreens to get cigarettes and beer.

We milled around like most people do in a drug store because, lets face it... There is a lot of stuff to look at in the mini walmart. I mean by the time I walked out of there I had a key chain and another five items I probably didn't need. I even got to see someone who worked for me like four years ago. She really moved up in the world working at walgreens. But hey, its a job.

My brother ran into one of his many old lady girlfriends from the commissary. I swear if my brother ever really wanted to he could have a sugar mama no problem. They just love then some Andrew.

Anyway, back to my original story. So we walked outside and as we were getting in the car Kelly said that guy is homeless....with a dog. Should we give him money??? No because we don't know what he is going to do with the money. Kelly did make a valid point about the money thing though... She said, "What's the guy gonna do go start a savings account with the five dollars?"  Yeah, Kelly you are so right.

After about five minutes of contemplating... Andrew's sudden bowel movement was the deciding factor in us rushing away.  For those of you who know Andrew when he says he has to go he means like right now.

But for those of you who know me the know I didn't really care about the homeless guy. I cared about the dog. Because really the dog didn't choose his life as the companion of a homeless man. But he suffers just the same if not worse than the guy who found himself in this situation.

Now for those of you who know dogs. They don't care what their situation is as long as someone is around that they can show unconditional love to. Dogs could care less if they were living in an alley or in the Taj Mahal. They just want to be with their "mama" or "daddy" because at the end of the day lets be honest a dog needs someone to take care of them. And people who have dogs need them to take care of them too. I know how much Lola and I depend on each has surely killed me to be away from her for so long. Since she was moved to Little Rock Jamie tells me how much she looks for me too. Infact she said she was burying her face in my clothes like she was looking for me.

So when we got home Kelly and I made a quick decision to make up a care package for this homeless fellow and his dog.

We put about six cups of dog food in a ziploc bag. Made the guy two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, a bottle of water, a can of beer... Yes, beer...every homeless guy needs a beer and of course a roll of toilet paper. Yes, I was the one who thought about toilet paper because if you are still have to take a dump like everyone else. So why not? I don't know about you but if you have ever been in a situation where you couldn't wipe it is not going to be a good situation... For anyone.

Michelle and I rushed out of the house with the care package. We were so excited to be doing a great deed for someone who cared enough for a dog to be his homeless buddy. If I was homeless I would have definitely appreciated someone like us thinking about me and my dog.

So Michelle and I get back to the parking lot where I had originally seen the guy and his dog... This guy was gone like a ninja. I mean we were only gone for like five minutes. We drove all over the entire shopping center looking for this guy and his dog.

I am not talking like we just drove around the parking lot we drive behind all the stores around the Taco Bell and the Mcdonalds. We looked in the desert and near each dumpster. The guy was no where.

We even asked the girl that was working at Walgreens if she had seen him. The one girl said no. The girl inside said that the girl outside smoking had chased him off. WTF?!?

This guy wasn't bothering her or anyone and obviously he needed food for him or the dog otherwise in my experience homeless guys generally stay in the desert. Plus, we took our time making that care package. Then some jerk had to chase him away. She didn't know his situation and neither did we... Who is to judge?

Plus, how could she take that away from us?!?!?! Blah!! All that hard work and effort we slammed into that care package! Eff you Walgreens girl! You ruined my night!

Good deed was an epic fail. But remember this the next time you are mean to someone who is homeless. That could be you one day. Just imagine what it would be like if someone went out of their way not to give you money... but to give you only what you needed to survive.

All it takes is one random act of kindness and you can change someones entire life.

I think that it changes my life everytime.

The end.

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