Friday, June 17, 2011

What Is Your Pecking Order?

Ask yourself that. I mean seriously ask it. This question can be used in any type of situation that you might be in with one person or multiple people in your life.

Most people think of this as being a job related question. But what if it is put into a more everyday type of scenario. For example. What if you asked this about every one of your friends? Is there a pecking order? I mean naturally if you think about it there is a pecking order and you never actually realize this until you take a minute to re-assess what makes a person more valuable over another.

Average person's pecking order might be parents, siblings, significant other, best friend, friends then acquaintances. Or maybe you switch around significant other with siblings... or whatever order you choose there is a pecking order. Recently I have switched around my pecking order based on the values that I happen to see my relationships with other people.

My pecking order at the moment goes like this for beings in my life.... Dog, Sister & family, my mom, my best friends, my dad and my brother then my friends, then acquaintances. Everyone has a set value that can variate from time to time.

Also I believe your pecking order might consist of your life priorities or of inanimate objects depending on the person or the time or context that they are thinking of this question at the time.

Think about that...what is your pecking order? You might surprise yourself by taking a minute to think about it.

The end.

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