Sunday, June 5, 2011

My New Nickname.

I finally got to meet the majority of my sister's friends last night at AppleBee's. I get it that place is completely lame but they like that kind of thing around here. There aren't very many hole in the wall type of bars, you know the ones that you and your friends go to all the time. For my friends and I at Google it was Skip & Jan's. My other friend's and I would go to Zipp's or to Ernie's we almost always ended up at Ernie's and we have shared a lot of amazing times together there.

Now when I met Travis and Georgie at culinary school almost two years ago they had to give me a nickname.. of course almost no one called me that. Thank god. It was Snookie. I mean really?? Snookie. You have got to be kidding me. And two years later my sister gets a puppy and names her Snookie? My life is a lie!

Back to the story. So I ended up talking to this guy named Corey who literally just moved here from Alaska like just a few months ago and had a serious tragic event take place just yesterday. This is a guy that had never had a Long Island Iced Tea until last night. I know what you are thinking but he explained to me that in Alaska there is literally one bar. One???? OMG I think I would be a very different person if that was the case for me. Actually I take that back I would be a very different person if that was the case because I definitely would not be the alcoholic that I have become. Ok, ok so I am not exactly and alcoholic...but sometimes I think that I could be right close.

Because of the simple fact that my ex is named Corey I have decided that I didn't want to call this guy that. I mean he seems like a sweet heart and why should I have to call him a name that I associate a jerk off with? So because it was a billion degrees and this guy was from Alaska and because this guy was pretty chill I decided his name was going to be Alaska. Pretty simple right? This guy named Corey would always be Alaska.

So rightfully so he fired back and called me Arizona. Which that one I don't mind. At least it isn't something stupid like Snookie. By the end of the night everyone at the table was calling me Arizona. So to Arkansanian's I am Arizona.

I think I like that. Arizona. I just might keep that nickname for a while. Well, as long as people call me that I will. Snookie didn't last long. So we shall see how long this one sticks. But I am pretty sure in the south people tend to keep their nicknames. Guess I got lucky it wasn't Bessy or something.

The end.

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