Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Just Watched The Story Of My Life...For Real.

I was just watching the Real Housewives of New Jersey on Bravo a few minutes ago and I can actually say my life was literally on TV. It was the episode where Theresa and her brother, Joe, are fighting. Which happens to be the same thing that happens my brother and I all the time. Something happens and her little brother decides he doesn't want to talk to her anymore. I am thinking to myself no freaking way. That happens to me all the time. Instead of acting like an adult and wanting to talk it out he decides the best thing to do is to alienate me.

Well, now let me give you the scenario that really made my blood boil about this whole thing. There was a scene where Joe, his wife and some of his friends are sitting at a dinner table and Theresa comes up in the conversation. So all the women at the dinner table were talking crap about Theresa. Joe was allowing this to happen! That is what happens with me and my brother all the time! He allows people to say the meanest things about me and never has anything to say about it or he actually joins in and makes it a bash on Rachel fest.

If anyone ever said anything bad about my brother I would jump all over them because to me that is what family is supposed to do. People say blood is thicker than water and I believe that it is the exact opposite. People are so quick to try to fix things with their friends and work it out but so many people are faster at throwing their family under the bus and letting them get dragged through mud before they try to fix anything. Usually it is the older sibling who breaks down first and tries to fix what is going on. Never the younger one. But I am tired of doing that. I am tired of trying to fix my broken family.

As far as letting us duke it out... I am so proud of my mom for being that way at this point. She didn't try to listen to anything that was being said and my brother must have known that she is like that now because she had no idea that we were fighting until my dad called to ask her about it. She told me that it is between my brother and I and we need to work it out. I say the same thing. However, I am not even sure what the hell we are fighting about. I even tried calling him a few times to see what is wrong and he ignored my phone calls and text messages. I sent him texts multiple times because I thought that might be the non-invasive way of saying, "hey, what the hell is wrong?"

Anyway, the thing of it is that Teresa really has no idea what she and her brother are actually fighting about and well, neither do I. All I know is that I am sick of always being the bad guy and so is she.

At this point I am done playing the I am not talking to you game. If my brother wants to act like that I am going to let him. I am done... the only thing that hurts me is that besides the fact that I don't get to see my nephew hardly at all is that now I will never get to see him. My brother didn't even share anything about my nephew's first baseball game. I got nothing except what my dad shared with his friends on facebook.

Blood is truly not thicker than water. It is actually thinner. My brother is extremely good at proving that. At this point I don't care if he read this and gets his feelings hurt. He hurt mine and I am just one to write about it because I can never get a word in without getting my words twisted around.

The end.

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