Saturday, July 2, 2011

Dreaming Puppies...

I remember when Lola was a baby and she would dream...
She used to make the cutest puppy sounds when she was dreaming of terrorizing poor Pumpkin.

Now when she is sleeping I find myself wondering what about. Then she snores. All I keep thinking is where is the cute baby that I got for my birthday almost three years ago?

You know, I never actually thought of my dogs as having actual personality until I met her. She is just such a sweet dog and I could not be happier. Then I remember what happens when she sleeps. She dreams so hard that she actually runs in her sleep. She barks and cries and farts... oh my god the farting.

I actually started writing this because I do believe that the newest addition to Lola's personality is sleep walking. I have literally been sitting at the computer for a little while now doing some research on a compact SUV and I swear she got up while snoring and bumped into the wall and laid back down.

Under normal circumstances I would not be awake to see this in all its glory but... I did. I actually saw my dog sleep walk right into a wall.

Still I wonder what the hell she dreams about that makes her so animated while she sleeps. Because sometimes she is just a sweet dreamer.

The end.

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