Monday, July 18, 2011

Volkswagens Every Where!!!

So since I have been actively looking for a new vehicle in the past few weeks I have come to the conclusion that this time around since there is no real hurry I am going to wait it out and get the car that I really want.

I have decided that I wish to own nothing but a Volkswagen. We are all know that I love VW enough where I will definitely be able to do this but the anticipation is going to be what kills me. I cannot wait to one day just come across the car that I want for sale at the right price and say to myself... "There she is. My dream gal." (Meaning the car of girl on girl for this girl.)

This is one of the very reasons that I am obsessed with Volkswagens... This video was put up by Wagenwerks a few years ago and it made me proud to be a Dubhead. I mean... I can't even begin to describe the magic. Haha. Watch it. Love it.

I will own another very, very soon.

The end.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Simply Happy.

Tonight I went to Waffle House with Jamie for the second time in my life. The food there is not the bomb or anything but I will tell you ultimately my reason as to why I will continue to go into this place in particular.

Even though working there would be what we view as a "shit" job. The girls and guys that work in there genuinely have a great time. They love their lives and don't care about anything else in the world but what they have going on right at that very moment. Both times that I have been in there the staff is joking around with each other, joking and laughing with the customers. They know everyone by their name kind of place. I like that and I truly do want that.

I wish that I could one day just be that "Simply Happy" person. I am working on that slowly I think. Don't get me wrong... I definitely do not under any circumstances feel an urge to work in a Waffle House. I definitely did not go to Le Cordon Bleu to be a short order cook at a Waffle House. But seriously though, the Waffle House girls. They don't care what else is going on because they are "Simply Happy" girls.

I envy them...not because of the job but because they are "Simply Happy."

The end.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Quitting Smoking... Pure Torcher.

So I know it is really early to say this but I am amazing. I actually can say that I have quit smoking. It has now been an entire week of no smoking and I can tell you it was murderous.

The first day I was OK. I mean I didn't really have a craving for a cigarette until the second day. That day was the most horrific experience of my life. I really could not believe that I volunteered to do this to myself. I felt the way a meth addict must feel when they are coming down or a heroin addict. The craving was so intense that it actually woke me up at 12:30 at night from a dead sleep and I could not go back to sleep...I wanted to smoke that bad.

The third day didn't get any better. I started to itch really bad and I wanted to eat everything in site. So I have this thing now where I am going to eat two hard boiled eggs so that I am full whenever I decide I want to eat something.

I am now on my 7th day of not smoking and the cravings are slowing which is amazing. I thought this feeling of terrible was never actually going to go away. The night sweats.. jeez.

Still working on it. Can't give up now. I have put myself through misery getting this far.

The end.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

What Makes Them A 10?

Today I had a conversation with a sweetie pie in my kitchen. You know the guy that all the girls just drool over and love him... and in this case even all the gay guys in the restaurant love him too. He is just a sweetheart to me and I love to have conversations with him because he is just hilarious.

So the topic of conversation today was really strange because I am not sure how we got on this topic. We ended up talking about how he ranks girls... oh, I think he mentioned that he was not a "Shallow Hal" and I said what does that mean? So he delightfully fills me in on his method to ranking girls. For those of us girls that are pretty and single, constantly wondering how come all of the hot boys end up with some crazy looking girls this could totally be why. Because when I tell you this friend of mine is a looker he is. But he definitely is not my type, just a sweet pie.

So he says that he really has dated mostly girls that fall into the 5-6 point range on a scale of 1-10 as far as looks go. Really?!? I thought most would be like an 8-9 but apparently I was wrong. He says that girls can actually gain points based on different factors. For example, the first example he gave me was if she had awesome teeth. Plus one. If she was nice. Plus one. And a few more came out and then he started getting ridiculous with the reasons that a girl could totally gain points but I was listening intently because I fully intend on writing a book about this entire conversation one day and selling it to desperate females in Barnes and Noble for $10.00.

So as we continue he says things like if a girl wears square glasses, nerdy = point value. If she shops and wears clothing from a thrift store because it is out of the ordinary. Point value. If her friends are awesome. Point value.

The funniest one was that he dated this girl that he absolutely hated with all of his might but she had cool parents. So she was a 9 because he never actually hung out with her... he went over to her house to hang out with her dad. Who freaking does that? Hi, I'm gonna date you so that I can secretly date your parents. What?!? Then he said if a girl has a thick broken English accent. Automatic points because when he argues with them they just sound stupid so he can laugh at them.

At this point in the conversation I am like... I love him to death but he is really an asshole. But I love the conversation because it will make me remember the signs to look for if I ever have the chance to encounter someone like him in my dating life. Also, at some moment in time I thought to myself... I have definitely settled for someone who was not a ten in my eyes. What I mean by that is for a girl it is a different scale. We do not always base our scales on looks so for those gentlemen who are reading this please don't let it give you a complex. I am sure that your girl loves you all the same plus or minus however many points.

We already know what my "Mr. Perfect" was like... but even he had flaws... hence the reason I am in Little Rock and he is still in Arizona. Just because you find the one that might fit your mold doesn't mean that you have to pull your hair out trying to get them to subdue. We could all be like this guy that I work with and plus or minus points based on stupid idioms like if he/she can do something neat like surf or play the clarinet. (Yes, one of those he mentioned.)

If you think about it hard enough...everyone you have ever dated was a 10 in your eyes at some point or another.

The end.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

My Independence.

I was inspired by a blog that I read recently by my friend Sam. Sam's Cube: Independence Day

He wrote a blog about how he was going to break free of being dependent upon a little nasty habit that I share with him.

Starting tomorrow, that is going to be the same situation for me as well. But mine is going to have a little bit of a twist. For those of you who know me well you know that I have struggled with my weight for a long... LONG time. I have decided that instead of making one of those lame half-ass attempted New Year's resolutions that I was going to make an Independence Day movement for myself and my greater good.

I have actually lost quite a bit of weight in the last few months that I was in Scottsdale and I am pretty sure that was mainly due to stress from a certain pest that I had in my life but it really has made me see how much weight I have actually put on in the past six years and trust me boys and girls, it was a lot. For those of you who are wondering in the last few months I was in Scottsdale I lost a total of 45 lbs. I am not exactly sure how I did it but it just kind of melted away. I even got a few remarks at Culinary School about it when my buddies hadn't seen me in a while. I think the comment that my friend Kristen said was "Why hello skinny Rachel." That made me feel awesome but amazed at the same time. Was I really that big? Heck yeah I was.

So now my goal is to get back down to where I was when I moved to Arizona a few years ago which really isn't that big of a deal... but just know that I will be blogging about it hardcore in the next few months because well, I will be coming down from a nicotine high and I will be trying to shed about 60 lbs in the mean time. Yes, 60 lbs is a lot but I think that if I have lost 45 so far I am definitely able to do the rest that I want to get off.

So I can get back to this....

Here I go in about 3 hours.... I will officially be on my way to a New and Improved version of myself.

The end.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Dreaming Puppies...

I remember when Lola was a baby and she would dream...
She used to make the cutest puppy sounds when she was dreaming of terrorizing poor Pumpkin.

Now when she is sleeping I find myself wondering what about. Then she snores. All I keep thinking is where is the cute baby that I got for my birthday almost three years ago?

You know, I never actually thought of my dogs as having actual personality until I met her. She is just such a sweet dog and I could not be happier. Then I remember what happens when she sleeps. She dreams so hard that she actually runs in her sleep. She barks and cries and farts... oh my god the farting.

I actually started writing this because I do believe that the newest addition to Lola's personality is sleep walking. I have literally been sitting at the computer for a little while now doing some research on a compact SUV and I swear she got up while snoring and bumped into the wall and laid back down.

Under normal circumstances I would not be awake to see this in all its glory but... I did. I actually saw my dog sleep walk right into a wall.

Still I wonder what the hell she dreams about that makes her so animated while she sleeps. Because sometimes she is just a sweet dreamer.

The end.