Sunday, December 12, 2010

So I have decided...

I am going to start blogging again because after all I didn't go through the crazy sign up not to use it. So here is my update to my crazy filled life and then we can start over.

Now rewind a little...

My sister moved her whole family to Arkansas and forgot to pack Auntie up with her. So now I am forced to talk to her on the phone everyday rather than just going to her house on the weekends and really whenever I felt like making the two hour drive to come see her. forward a little...

I got a new amazing job working for Google! Pretty awesome. I love, love, love my new job and I am excited that I actually have the chance to work for such an admired company. Plus I am doing what I have done for years and that is selling...I love to sell! I can't help it. I get an adrenaline rush every time I get a sale and it is never, EVER, boring to say the least. This my friends is an amazing thing for someone who gets bored easily. I mean, I can't even keep a blog up to date. When really all it is, is a virtual diary of my pathetic life that no one really reads but me and well one girl that follows me but I am not even sure if she still reads it.

Fast forward a little more....

My dog Lola, has lost the majority of her hair. I was finally able to take her to the veterinarian and I am waiting on her blood results. Turns out she may actually have a hypo-thyroid. Now that I am learning all of this about my animal I have also learned another thing about myself. When I was younger and the doctor was trying to figure out what was wrong with me and I had to have my blood drawn at least once a month it was really that I had PCOS. That makes everything make complete sense about my health for my entire life. PCOS isn't that old of a discovery actually, it was first discovered about ten years ago so it makes sense on why these doctors had no idea what was wrong with me. But still I ask this...isn't their job to keep asking questions until they find the complete answer? I mean is that not why my insurance pays for them? But oh well, I can't change the fact that they didn't pay attention to the part in medical school when the professor said now not all of the diseases are listed in your text books that we provide for you hear at school. Too bad because I could have been much better a long time ago.

Now rewind a little bit....

I found out that someone in my family has cancer and that was pretty hard to swallow really, more for me because she is so young and still has her whole life ahead of her. But the doctors will do what they can to take care of her...still after the amount of time that I had to wait before someone finally took the time to figure out what to do for me I am just praying that they figure out what to do to help her.

Fast forward... on the couch snoring. Like a person. If you put an old man in place of her body that is who is sleeping on my couch right now.

The End.

Monday, September 6, 2010


Why do people get puppies and then take them to the pound or put them on craigslist once they have started to grow into their awkward stage???


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My Family

My family is one of a kind. But I can say that my family is one of the most selfless families I have ever met. We would do anything to make sure that someone that we care about is well.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

AZ's new law...and what I think of it.

Every time I watch the news I look for this particular law to come into the headline SB1070!!!

Now, the reason I get excited about this law is very simple really. I am not saying that I am like woohoo!!! I mean I get excited like I want to do something about it. I want to smack around the people who are completely against it because if you think about the amount of other laws that were put into place in the last few years this whole law just adds to the enforcement.

For example and honestly let's be very clear here. I have no problem whatsoever about people coming over here legally and immigrating here because after all my mother and all of my Aunt's that you see on my friends on facebook if you happen to be my friend on facebook. Guess what they had to do??? They had to wait in line like everyone else and get a U.S. Citizenship. My Auntie Venus has a tri-citizenship, she has one from the Philippines, one from Switzerland and one from the United States. So, if she can do that then it isn't hard for someone to get any of that done the correct way.

So back to my example, there are people that have been in this country for 10 - 20 years. On December 23, 2009 the President proposed a bill for Amnesty for illegal immigrants...this being said the count on illegals at the time was between 12-20 million people in the United States. Why didn't they just go and get the amnesty??? Because honestly this was their free pass.

The first time I got really fired up about this was when I was watching the news a few months ago with Seabiscuit and they featured this little girl on a podium talking about illegal immigrants and why they should be able to stay. They talked about how this little girl was able to speak perfect English and how she was the top student in her school. Guess what....she was here illegally. So let me ask you this. Why didn't she tell her parents to go claim amnesty? If she is soo smart then she knows that she and her family are breaking the law just by getting up and going to school each and every day. And furthermore why didn't I.C.E. take advantage of any of these riots and go to town and start deporting like hell?

Now that you have more background on this subject at hand let me just say this...after watching the news again and watching the protests that are going on in downtown Phoenix as the state of Arizona is scrutinized for trying their hardest to quit spending our hard earned tax dollars on these stupid people why isn't the Border Patrol and I.C.E. agents there taking care of the problem that they are hired to take care of????

IT'S THE SETTING FOR THE PERFECT RAID! Take advantage of it and shut those illegals up. Because as far as I am concerned if you are not a legal citizen of the United States then you have no valid opinion for what goes on here.

The end.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Hypocrisy at it's finest...

I am pretty sure that my family is amazing at being hypocritical. I mean honestly. I am not saying my immediate family here I mean, don't get me wrong we have all been guilty of being a hypocrite. But honestly when it goes this far is just beyond words.

My Aunt is still upset about something that I actually came to her for help and she did nothing. Honestly, this little thing was a huge deal for me and extremely hard for me to do but unfortunately so a choice had to be made and I made one. Just like the choice that I made to drive to California and back all in one day, which by the way was a Sunday. Just to pick up a dog that had been adopted along with several other dogs that were adopted by someone who was animal crazy and didn't have enough mental capacity at the time to take care of them. So naturally, we as a FAMILY got together and split the dogs up and when it came time when I could no longer take care of this dog because she had a problem with peeing in the house and nothing was medically wrong with her. The real reason is that the person I got her from would give her a treat each time she would pee outside so she was rebelling. This dog got away with murder I tell you. But at the same time, I was in love with her.

I hurt everyday thinking about how I let her down. I cried my eyes out when I brought her to her new home. I cried for days after she was gone and sometimes I still do cry because I miss Pumpkin.

Then this person who had the five dogs to begin with gets out of the hospital and gets more dogs and what does my Aunt say??? Well, when I send a funny picture of Lola I get scolded and told not to send pictures of that dog anymore. But then she just loves the fact that her irresponsible daughter has three new dogs.

I HAVE ONE DOG BECAUSE SHE IS ALL I CAN HANDLE. I LOVE HER. DON'T YOU TELL ME YOU ARE ANGRY AT ME BECAUSE OF THE DOG AND THEN PULL THAT HYPOCRITE CRAP! You will rott for that. I think that the reason our family was fighting for 20 something years is because of you. Now I know better. Because hypocrisy is the root of most fights and man lady you have got it bad.

The end.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Not from drugs or anything but I miss my friends. I moved to Scottsdale in January and I haven't seen many of them since then. I am however glad that I can say that I have a few people here that I have befriended.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Everytime I Close My Eyes...I See Myself...

My blogs may not always be entertaining or fun. But what can I say I am a writer stuck in a crazy body with a brain that never functions completely all the time so I always forget about the things that I say I am going to do.

For know when you go to get something and get distracted and wind up doing something else and you forget what you were going to do in the first place? That is me all the time. I was thinking tonight I want to blog because I have the chance to do it finally and not have any distractions. But then I really couldn't think of what to write...should I write about Lola, should I write about the crazy events that just occured in my life a few days ago or should I just ramble on a little bit about the simple little fact that I cannot for the life of me figure out what the heck to write about?

Lots has happened really in the last few weeks. So instead I am going to write about the fact that I am sooo glad that people show their true colors when they are put into difficult situations. I get that people are offended by some of the off-color remarks that come flying out of my mouth or my fingers sometimes but honestly, I don't really care what they think. I am an honest enough person that when I think someone needs to be put in their place I am going to put them in their tiny place.

I have also come to realize that some people that think they are part of my life feel the need to weigh in on the way that I decide that I will run my life. My dad always said that if I wanted an opinion from you I would ask for it or give it to you. I deleted the off-color remarks from my facebook. Which the keyword in that sentence is MY. I deleted them because I don't want to offend. But at the same time I keep thinking no. You can take your nasty little remarks about being DISGUSTED and whatever and honestly stick it. I am not saying this because I want to make someone mad. I am saying it because I am a person and have every right to say whatever I want about someone at anytime that I feel. This goes for you as well. But please do not think that if you are going to say that you are disgusted and appauled by what I have said that I am going to change what I have said. I said it and I am done. If you don't like it then don't read it.

Just to add before ending this crazy rant that I have going now that I read some of it and deleted and re-wrote and deleted again. If you don't understand by now that I have a huge amount of acquantences in my life and only a select few people are actually my friends then you need to get familiar with that. Take a good look in the mirror for a second and ask yourself this...when was the last time that you spoke to me. If it was more than two months ago you can bet that you are no longer on the friend list you are on the acquantance list. Don't be offended by that one is just who I am.

Everytime I close my eyes...I see myself...if you don't see me as you want me to be then change yourself...cause I am not changing.

The end.

Monday, May 31, 2010

What am I really doing here???

Sometimes I sit back and look at my life and wonder what I am really doing. I wonder what it is going to be like in ten years. Am I going to be an amazing TV chef? Am I going to be a Chef that works too much and gets paid too little?

Am I going to be proud of what I have become and not wonder if I took the correct chances with my career? I am not sure. One thing I am for sure of though is that no matter what I am doing I want to be happy. I want to come home and look around and say I have accomplished what I wanted to in the little time that I have left on this earth we live in.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Let me make myself clear...

I am soo sick of changing my life around for the sake of some other person's negligeance. I mean seriously, if you cannot be an adult then why do you try to play one on TV?

This is real life here. Why don't people understand that the world does not evolve around them?? Also while I am at this rant; why are some mothers so lazy that they let their child go without a bath?

I mean, about the bath thing. My mother always said that it is better for your kids to be squeeky clean rather than you. Meaning that my mother more times than not went out looking like a hot mess but we were always clean. Why can't all mothers live by this simple principal?

As far as the other thing goes about having to move my life around this person all the time with out any give and take is BS. I refuse to be the person that has to put up with this horse pucky all the time. If we are constantly moving our life around because you are an irresponsible adult then learn to grow the hell up. I seriously will not let this happen to my life where we are constantly having to give up things that we like to do because she is a lamer and doesn't have a life.

Clearly, I don't think it is fair that just because she doesn't have a life that we don't get to have one either. But who am I?? I guess I don't have a say in anything that goes on in our life she still has the control.

The end.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Old friends and new friends...

Today I reconnected with an old friend of mine. Sometimes I love to meetup with old friends to catch up and sometimes well, not so much. This time I am going to have to say not so much. It seems to me that as I grow up and change I realize that some of my friends don't grow up and change.

I can't really go into too much detail about this person because I don't want to point fingers. But seriously, this person is in and out of jail and into trouble all the time and can't say a sentence much less type one without using one of our favorite four letter words. I decided a long time ago that this person wasn't going to change and that is the whole reason why I have not been around this person in almost 4 years.

Married and divorced all in a few months. In prison for a few months. Still living at home with his mother at 30 something. It is sad.

It saddens me to act as though everything is fine and will be fine between us but the truth is I can never let that person actually be a part of my life because I for one want to be a normal person of society.

I want people to respect me because I did something good with my life and haven't lived with my parents since I was 18 and never plan on moving back into their home. Well, that is unless they want me to and not pay any bills. Now that would be awesome.

Anyhow, I am so glad that I have made the new friends that I have over the past few years. Some I kept around and some well, I left in their pathetic paths of misery.

For those of you who truly know who I am understand that I do not make friends easily. The reason behind that is I believe that you surround yourself with who you want to become one day. The majority of my friends are successful, married with families, or are on their way to something great because they are in school of sometype trying to make a difference in their lives. Take a look around at your many of them do you want to end up like?

The end.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Insert freak out (HERE)

So the last few days of second term are making their way to my life very quickly. I for one feel as though I didn't really learn as much as I was supposed to. I mean, I should be able to take a six week class and leave a world renouned chef yeah?? So many idiots that decide that they want to be chefs think they can take a quick cooking class and be the next TV chef. Surprizingly so you need to be a Certified Chef in order to even use that title in real life.

Anyway, back to my freak out. I know, I get a little off topic but if you had a brain as magical as mine you would stray all the time too. So I currently hold a 87.99% in this class that I am taking. The reason it dropped from an "A" to a "B" is because yesterday during our cooking practical I decided to be a jerk to our chef. Really??? WTF was I thinking? But he just gabs and gabs and gabs about nothing important really. I ended up getting a -6 on my Ratatouille. Which devistated me because that dish was only worth 25 points. That's what I get for telling a chef to shut up and do his job. I get a -6.

But he knows and I know that I am going to be an amazing chef one day. Watchout TV land. I am coming to a TV near you. In like ten years haha.

So our final which by the way, lasts three days next week, is actually worth 200 points total. If I don't get an A on this I am so screwed and my dad is surely going to laugh me off the planet. I think everyone is going to laugh me right on out of that crazy test kitchen. I mean, I would.

Wish me luck. Cause I am gonna need it.

The end.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Miami Vice...

Oh Georgie. I am not sure if I can get through my day without laughing my ass off at him sometimes.

So a few days ago we decided that we were going to make a video of one of his shenanigans. It's got to be one of the best 24 second videos of what everyday is at our house.

I can't really describe a whole lot of it because it is better that you just watch it.

So here it is...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

A dog, a cat and weird cravings...

Our little family is turning into a bigger one by the day. We have Lola, our boxer and Danica, Corey's little girl and now we have Chowda, the black cat with yellow eyes.

Yes, you read that correctly. We now own a cat. She is six months old and a super sweetheart. I hope that her and Lola learn to get along otherwise our house is going to be a disaster all the time.

Anyway, onto the other things. I have been super lethargic lately and I want a danish. Like, with the badness. I mean all I can taste in my mouth is the smooth creamy goodness of the sweet icing and flakey deliciousness. I am trying for the life of me to figure out what kind of vitamin my body is craving so bad that I have wanted to eat a danish for like a week!!! I mean, seriously. Last time I checked there was no nutritional value in a freaking cheese danish. But I just won't do it. I won't eat a danish because I for once in my life have been doing so well with not eating badness. But I want one. Bad.

The end.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


So yesterday was an interesting day. I could swear that today was Saturday just now I need to get some sleep. But I must share with the world this hilarious story before I get too lethargic and stop functioning.

I think that lastnight had to be the funniest night in our living room. George came home from work and immediately started drinking. I came home from the park with Lola to find a happy little Georgie in the kitchen.

So after many drunken stories and a little crying and laughing George decides honestly, I have got to say there is never a dull moment in my house with George, Corey and alcohol. My life is a circus at every second of the day.

Anyhow, Georgie decided he was gonna go to the "casino" with his other Armenian buddy. A few hours later after Seabiscuit came home and we were sitting on the counch George came stumbling in the door. The next thing I know he is dry humping Corey on the couch and trying to grab Corey's nipples. Haha and George has the best laugh when he is drinking. No lie, he snorts like a little pig. It has got to be the funniest thing I have ever seen. He says its because one of his nostrols is messed up but I think it is just because he is a dork at heart.

After all the air-humping occurred George starts talking about how he met this beautiful girl and low and behold....wait for it....of course she is a stripper. So I said, "So she must really dig those holes in your pants then." Then we got in the debate about what kind of jeans he was wearing and of course, because he is a Jersey boy he is wearing Armani Exchange. But that isn't the best part of his jeans you see. He actually had this thumb sized hole to the right of his crotch. So I mentioned the hole duh! So in his drunken state George looks at Corey and says, "It's for easy access, just put your finger in the hole and go to the left and just touch the tip."


It was acutally to the right but whatever.

The End.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

50 cents for a to-go box what?!?!

It was a slow day in the kitchen except for when Chef Z decided he was gonna blame me for his horrific singing ability. Really?

Oh and instead of punch-dub it is now punch-short-bus. I mean whenever you see the short-bus punch the shit out of your is gonna be an epic new game that was started in a test kitchen in Scottsdale on April 21, 2010. Take note of that.

After school today we all decided that we were going to go to YC's for lunch. Mongolian bar-b-que....uh yes please. Plus it is awesome that the cost of this meal of yummy yummy sauce and deliciousness is the right price for the speed of a college student's shallow pockets. And let me tell you it was muy bueno!

So when we were getting ready to box our massive meals up and leave, Travis and his cheap ass...well, I didn't think he was a cheap ass until I finally understand why I would have been a little more bent about my to-go box. He ended up dropping one on the floor and the girl grabbed us a new one. It wasn't until that moment when I heard the dumbest thing ever in my entire life of eating at restaurants.

Kat and Travis asked for to-go boxes too and the girl said, "Sure not a problem. That will be 50 cents a piece." She had this serious face of conviction on. I heard George say exactly what I was thinking... "Is she joking?" They charge you for the dumbest thing on the planet.

Then she said, "Since it's your first time here I will let you have them for free but now you know we charge 50 cents for them."

Are you joking me?!?! That is like telling someone that they have to pay to puke in your bathroom even if they have eaten at your restaurant and the badness decided it wanted out that second. So George decided he wanted to ask why...I wanted to know too honestly I was floored.

But somehow this started into an argument at out table and well let's just say that I no longer agree with the way some people handle things amongst our friends. I believe in healthy arguing but not being a jackass and saying things that make someone feel inferior. Really? I wanted to tell this person to eat a dick today but whatever. Sometimes there comes a time when someone believes in something so much that they are passionate enough to ask why and they should be able to do so without conviction.

So George decided as we were leaving he was going to stop and ask the owner why...and come to find out the owner actually had a serious problem with his food cost because people are people and don't know that you cannot just pile your bowl tall enough to feed a family of ten and expect to not have to pay for your waste. So in closing after George explained to him how to properly price his food according to AP state; he was offered a job.

The actual funny part of this story is this..... GEORGE DIDN'T EVEN EAT THERE! He just sat there and enjoyed or at least tried to enjoy the company of his friends.


The end.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Superstar!!! Or maybe the Jackson 6? I made Eggs Benedict. Which for those of you who have not tried this concoction of deliciousness are insane.

I finally learned today that I am definitely not a super-hero in the kitchen yet. I mean come the freak on! I broke my Hollandaise four freaking times! Blah! So my day was anything but normal I will have to say.

But...just to change it up a bit I feel like talking about something that happens on a daily. I mean seriously, I promised that it would be entertaining and oh yes. It shall be so.

My title really says it all...have you seen that movie? I, under normal circumstances would say that I haven't because I am literally movie handicapped. Well, I pretend like I am because I have seen a lot of movies but cannot for the life of me remember the titles because I have a mind of a goldfish. Anyhow, my group of friends at school or as I prefer to say my family at school should really change our name to the Jackson 6.

Every day we have to sing at some point while we are at school. Which to clarify it starts with either myself or Travis a.k.a. Nips. We just start singing some kind of crazy while we are cooking and it usually trickles off into a bunch of people adding in their two cents.

Although I think that we hit an all time high when we decided to make a game out of trying to get our Chef Instructors to participate in the musical that we call our life.

The way I remember it starting is Chef Becker saying to someone in the class, "Put your apron on when you are in my house!" I figure if I am paying $40k to get an education in that place that it is my house too dammit!

So I start singing...."Our house is a very, very, very fine house!" And holy bananas if Chef Becker couldn't have been right in tune with me...hahahaha! He sings "With two cats in the yard, our life used to be so hard!" OHMYGOD! Hilarious!

Keeping in mind that Chef Becker is quite a bit older than we are just was priceless! So now I have officially decided since there are six of us in our group maybe Chef Becker can be our head man? Haha. SUPERSTAR!!!!!!!!

Seriously though, if you haven't tried that with one of your professors or even your should.

My joke of the week about eggs, I told this to Chef Z and he almost died.

The answer to which came first....the chicken or the egg?

So a chicken and an egg were laying in bed after some mattress mambo.

The chicken rolls over and starts smoking a cigarette.

The egg looks at the chicken with a glare and says: "I guess we all know the answer to that question."

The End.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Oh Travis...

My bestie at school is a strapping young fellow that we call Travis. Or as my boyfriend lovingly calls him, Nips.

Now that you know Travis' nickname I must tell you the story behind this name. You see ladies and gents, Travis is "always happy to see you." And so are his nipples. They stand at attention no matter how chilly it is or isn't outside.

As I write this I have to tell you the short about how we met actually. The way we met set the course on how this beautiful friendship we have will forever be. We were at orientation at school and he was standing in line behind my spooky self. Yes, I was spooked about going to college...again. He says from behind me: "So Rachel, are you excited?" I politely said something to the effect of "How the eff do you know my name creeper?" It's on your name tag girl sh!t. Duh!

Anyhow, back to the story of the "Nips" name. So after making a large deal about how hot his nipples are when they say hi to everyone they come into contact with Corey decided it would be hilarious to talk about them...all the time. This is forever the on going lovers joke that my boyfriend and his boyfriend will have everyday for the rest of my awesome life.

So the day after this outrageous conversation takes place we are all in the kitchen at school. Corey is cooling off the new chicken stock we made that morning and as Travis walked by he leaned in close to Corey and whispers: "Would you like me to take the temperature of your stock with my nipples?" Insert laughter here.

I will write more about this amazing character "Nips" but for now I must give it a rest because I may die of a heart attack while writing do to excessive laughter.

And that ladies and gents is the story of my brother from another mother. Literally.

My first blog!

Well, I actually used to blog a long time ago but they were my private rants and now I have decided to share them with the whole world! So surprise!!! Here I am!

My name is Rachel. I want my blog to be entertaining for the masses. I read blogs sometimes...and yes I am a lamer like that. As are you for reading this. So, I decided that I will blog my butt off when I have an entertaining not everyday will be as awesome therefore, not worth sharing. Or as my boyfriend answers, "Nothing." Because he says that if it isn't entertaining in the sense it isn't worth speaking about.

I am a culinarian in sunny Scottsdale, Arizona. For those of you who don't know, it is wicked hot here. And no that never changes. Imagine how hot it gets in the kitchen and all the crazy stuff we talk about in class. In a sense my blog is going to be of epic proportions in hilariousness. (Spell check said that was a real word.)

I have a George. He is awesome! It is always a good time when he is around my boxer, Lola. I had no idea she was multilingual until he told her to sit, stay and shake in Armenian. Who knew?!?

I also live with my amazing boyfriend, Corey. He doesn't speak much until he starts drinking that is. Then Boston is all over this house! George and I are not from Boston but its still hilrious. He also has an amazing little girl, Danica. She is such a lover! I fell in love with her the instant that I met her.

I am not going to write too much about them as of now because I don't want to take up more than half of your day reading my garbage rants. I will settle for a quarter.

Well, for now this will have to suffice. I have some studying to do with slacker George who bitched out on school today and missed out on literally cooking about twelve different types of eggs. No, I am not exaggerating I really cooked enough eggs that I smell like a chicken's rear end.